Preservation and coating process of grapes

Grape berry is one of the six major fruits in China. It has the functions of thirst, spleen and appetite, and nourishing the liver. It is cultivated in the north of the Yangtze River in China [1-2]. According to incomplete statistics, in recent years, 70% of grapes in our country are used for fresh food. However, due to the fact that the grapes are soft and juicy, have high moisture content, are easy to dry, wrinkle, fall off and rot, they easily lose their value. Therefore, the preservation technology of grapes is even more important for the post-harvest storage of fresh grapes. However, traditional preservation techniques in the past can no longer meet the requirements of modern people. Although chemical preservation techniques are the main methods for the storage and preservation of grapes and other fruits and vegetables, their application effects on preservation of fruits and vegetables are increasing due to environmental and health considerations. The more questioned. In today's world, physical preservation technology has received extensive attention as the appeal of green foods has grown. Coating preservation, as one of the physical preservation techniques, has been favored for its unique preservation effect. 1 storage characteristics Grape is a non-vibration type of fruit, its suitable storage temperature is 0 ~ 1 °C, relative temperature of 90% ~ 95%, the appropriate gas composition of CO2 2% ~ 3%, O2 3%. 2 The main factors affecting the storage and transportation of grapes 2.1 Species: Different varieties have different storage tolerance. European grapes are more resistant to storage than American grapes, while late-maturing varieties are more resistant to storage than medium- and early-maturing varieties, and colored varieties are more resistant to storage. Longan, Kyoho, red perfume, and Black Han are more resistant to storage and transportation. 2.2 Ecological Conditions and Cultivation Techniques: In general, temperate grapevines are resistant to storage of tropical grapes, and the unit area of ​​grapes is also detrimental to storage. Therefore, it is generally advisable to limit the yield per mu to 2000 kg or less. 2.3 Maturity: Grapes are fruits that do not have a respiratory peak. There is no obvious maturation period. Generally speaking, if the weather conditions permit, the later the picking, the better the storability, and at the same time as the deadline for harvesting, The gradual drop in temperature is also conducive to storage. 2.4 Pre-harvest Auxiliary Measures: The phenomenon of calcium deficiency in grape berry during mature period is obvious. Therefore, spraying calcium before mining can improve the fruit's resistance to hiding. Pre-harvest application of naphthalene acid to spray the ear can also prevent grain loss and improve resistance to storage. 2.5 Post-harvest grading and packaging: Reasonable grading and scientific packaging are important bad sections for storage and transportation, and should be carried out promptly after harvest. The classification should standardize the goods, which is more conducive to packaging storage and sales. Packaging is one of the key measures to protect berry quality and reduce loss. 3 Refrigeration Refrigeration is the main mode of storage and preservation of modern grapes. This storage method is not limited by environmental conditions and can be used throughout the country. The mechanical cold storage method is the main method for this kind of storage and preservation. It mainly uses the function of the mechanical refrigeration system to transfer the heat inside the warehouse to the outside of the warehouse, so that the temperature inside the warehouse is reduced and kept in a range favorable for the storage of grapes. Its advantages are rapid cooling, rapid cooling, maintaining the required low temperature (-1°C~0°C) and relative temperature (90%~95%), which is suitable for the storage of the product. However, attention should be paid to cold injury and freezing injury during storage. 3.2 Atmosphere storage method At present, in the aspect of grape preservation, the use of modified atmosphere bag and MA atmosphere storage store is mainly used for storage and preservation, and the gas composition in the storage environment is adjusted so that the concentration of O2 and CO2 in the storage environment reaches a suitable storage concentration. (CO2 2%~3%, O23%), so as to effectively inhibit the growth of pathogens, reduce the loss of fruit moisture and rot, play a role in delaying aging and extending the storage period. 3.3 Decompression Storage Decompression storage, low-temperature and low-pressure storage is a development direction of the current grape and other fruit storage. In this method, the grapes are stored in a closed room and a portion of the air is vacuumed to reduce the internal pressure to a certain level. After the fresh air passes through the pressure regulator and the humidifier, the air becomes approximately saturated humidity and enters the storage room. Thus, the unfavorable factors such as ethylene, carbon dioxide, ethanol, and acetaldehyde produced by the field heat, respiratory heat, and metabolism are removed, so that the stored articles are in an optimal resting state for a long period of time. This technology was studied earlier in Britain, the United States, and other advanced countries. In China, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia has also introduced industrial decompression and preservation systems and devices. This storage method can reduce the respiration rate and ethylene production rate of grapes, prevent aging and reduce the physiological diseases of grapes. It is an ideal grape preservation technology. 3.4 Natural Preservation Agents Storage and Preservation Techniques There are many natural materials used for preservation of fruits and vegetables, such as the dry distillation of tree trunks, plant seed extracts, aromatic plant extracts, minerals, natural substances containing reductase, oryzanol, melanoidin, polysaccharides (konjac) Polysaccharides, natural antioxidants, etc., can be applied to the storage of grapes by dipping and spraying. The experiments proved that these natural preservatives can all play a role in reducing the loss of grape water, reducing the mildew of grapes, and maintaining a higher nutritional composition. 3.5 Coating film preservation Fresh film preservation technology is a new technology that has emerged in recent years. Polysaccharide is an all-natural edible substance, which has many functions such as helping digestion, losing weight, lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer, etc. Currently, it is widely used in food and pharmaceutical chemical industries. Grapes coated with polysaccharides can form a semi-permeable membrane on the surface of grapes. Fertilizer can effectively reduce the respiration of fruits, reduce the sweating of grapes during storage and the water droplets on the surface of fruits, thus reducing the infection of pathogenic bacteria and inhibiting fungi. Enhance the self-resistance, basically prevent the browning, maintain the original flavor of the grape, greatly enhance the edible, so that the preservation period of the grape at room temperature is extended from 2-3 days to 8 days. Because this method is easy to operate, low in cost, and solves the problem of residual toxic substances in the chemical preservation method, it has been well applied in the current grape preservation. 4 Introduction of Coating Preservation 4.1 Process Selection → Pre-cooling → Infusion → Drying → Coating → Drying → Packing → Refrigeration 4.2 Operational points Pre-cooling: Grapes are fruits with high respiration and pre-cooling can reduce grapes The respiratory intensity, thereby reducing the respiratory heat generated by it; and can inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold and other microorganisms to reduce decay, to achieve the purpose of preservation. Dip: Soak the grapes with a solution of 1% zinc chloride + 0.2% vitamin C to kill the bacteria attached to the fruit's epidermis. Dry: Dry naturally at 8°C~10°C. Do not use forced ventilation when it is dry so as to avoid wilting of the skin, and the time should not be too long. When the epidermis is bright, it can be. Coating: Mechanically (magnetic stirrer), the polysaccharide, distilled water, emulsifier, etc., are stirred into a viscous, tan, or film-forming solution, left standing, placed in a refrigerator (membrane solution must be prepared on the same day). The coating methods include dipping and spraying, and should be uniform, comprehensive, and preferably repeatable. Drying: When the grapes form a uniform, transparent film on the surface. Put the basket: Put the processed grapes into the ready-made basket, and do not stack it to a thickness of 30~40cm. 5 Conclusion Although all of the above methods have certain effects on the storage and preservation of grapes, they cannot achieve the best results when used alone, and must fully utilize their synergistic effects. Therefore, according to the different characteristics of grapes, the corresponding measures can be used to minimize the loss of fruit.

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Originally, tattoo flash were designed by the artist, who would display flash so that customers could pick a tattoo they wanted. Artists would also modify flash or create custom pieces on request. Over time, artists started trading flash with each other, and also also selling tattooflash, disseminating styles and designs across a broad community. Ultimately, companies started hiring tattoo flash designers, who produce a high volume of pieces for commercial sale on individual sheets or in books of collected tattoo flash.

Some people look down upon tattoo flash, arguing that while it's fine to use flash for inspiration, tattoos really ought to be custom designed, to create a unique and original piece. Copying from flash can also have complex copyright implications; for example, a client who prints out a piece from the Internet and asks to get it as a tattoo might potentially be violating copyright laws, unless he or she has been given explicit consent to use the work.

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