Early Spring Greenhouse Eggplant Preserving Fruit Technical Measures

In the early spring season (February to April), the temperature in the shed has experienced a gradual increase in temperature from low temperature to late temperature. Plant nutrient accumulation has been reduced, growth and development have been accelerated, and frequent fruit drop and fruit drop have occurred. Diseases and insect pests occur frequently. Shelter is difficult to manage. According to the different temperature changes, can be divided into two stages of management within the shed. First, the first phase is from February to March. The general temperature is low and the soil surface is relatively dry. At this time, insulation and anti-freezing should be the main requirements. The shelf temperature should be maintained at 25°C to 28°C during the day and 15°C at night. 1. The temperature management is ventilated during the day and it is opened after 9 o'clock on sunny days. The ventilation volume is from small to large until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Strengthen the insulation work at night to prevent the temperature in the shed from falling below 10°C. The management of rainy days is slightly different to ensure that the temperature in the shed is predominant. Small ventilation can be performed before and after noon, and it cannot be too large. The time cannot be long enough to prevent the temperature inside the shed from falling too much. 2. Fertilizer management and fertilization are mainly foliar spray and root leaching and should be carried out at noon on sunny days. This is the best period for plants to absorb nutrients. 3. Because of weak light, lack of nutrition, dry or wet soil, excessively low temperature, too much nitrogen fertilizer, and leggy plants, preserved flowers can cause fruit drop and fruit drop. General use of 2.4-D20 ~ 30 mg / kg + gibberellin 10 ~ 20 mg / kg +0.1% of 50% fast Skeleton (or carbendazim) WP Dian Hua, the early flowering and blooming flower Apply a spot of liquid and one flower once. This will increase the rate of fruit set and promote fruit growth. Anti-dropping agents are less harmful to young leaves and shoots. Commonly used spray method, the early low-temperature stage using the concentration of 30 ~ 50 mg / kg, with the temperature rise, the use of the concentration decreased. With a hand-held small sprayer, a flower spike is placed between the fingers on the palm of the hand and sprayed once. If there are more spikes, the flowers that were opened later can be sprayed again. Second, the second phase is April. The temperature gradually rises, the humidity changes, and the wet and dry alternates. Generally, the humidity in the shed is too large in order to promptly conduct ventilation work, reduce the humidity in the shed and control the temperature in the shed, and reduce the occurrence of diseases. 1. The temperature at midday in the temperature management and ventilation management shed is gradually higher than the normal temperature required by the plants. Ventilation should be strengthened. Otherwise, the temperature in the shed is too high and the plants are burned. The length of ventilation and the amount of ventilation can be controlled by the thermometer display temperature inside the shed. 2. Timely application of total fertilizer and pruning With the gradual increase of temperature, plant growth is also accelerating, the urgent need for nutrient supplements, from small to large, increase the amount of fertilizer. Generally apply 5-7 kg of urea per acre, topdressing once every 10 days or so; also should be sprayed with 0.3% to 4.4% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or green Fenwei 1 or 3 solution 3 to 4 times. At the same time, in combination with top-dressing, timely watering to keep the soil moist, after the watering to ventilation, prevent the air humidity is too high. According to the growth of the plants, the plants were adjusted in time to ensure the best possible plant type. 3. Strengthen pest prevention and control Because the humidity in the shelter is large and the disease is widespread, dust or fumigant should be used to reduce the spread of water in the shed. Underground pests can be watered with 48% of Loxen Emulsion 1000 times solution. Locusts, hummers, etc. can be used to kill smoke. Disease is gray mold, with 50% of the speed of 蚩墒 蚩墒 蚩墒 奂 奂 奂 奂 500 500 times or 50% acetaminophen 2000 times every 7 to 10 days 1 and 2 or 3 times. The main insect pests were aphids, red spiders, thrips, etc., which were treated with 10% of good winter 1000 times solution or 20% of behenavire emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times solution; red spiders were treated with 73% Kotel emulsion 2000 times solution. 4. Timely harvesting and top-dressing harvesting should be based on the principle of “earlier in time and the fruit is tenderer”. It depends on the width of the white ring belt at the junction of the sepal and the fruit, and it is appropriate to use a wide white belt. Tomato eyes). Not only the morning market, the quality of tender, increase early production, is conducive to the growth of the young fruit in the later period, improve the overall yield. Third, the management of rainy days In the water management, pay attention to ventilation, first of all should be controlled outside the shed outside the drainage ditch, so as not to cause too much humidity inside the shed, shed for sorghum to avoid raining and spraying fertilizer water. In the noon ambient temperature allows the conditions of "two low two small, two high and two long" ventilation: low temperature, small ventilation; low humidity, small ventilation; high temperature, long ventilation; high humidity and long ventilation. If the temperature in the shed is low and the humidity is high, short-term ventilation should be carried out, but the shed should be insulated in time.

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