Silver carp and Atlantic salmon nutrition and feed

Both silver carp and Atlantic salmon are carnivorous fish and require high protein content in feed. Under normal circumstances, the protein content of animal origin should be around 60%, the minimum is not less than 50%, and the fat content can be 8 About %, and should add a variety of vitamins and mineral additives in the feed to meet their growth needs.

Formula No. 1 is suitable for juveniles up to 3.2 cm in body length and 0.3 g or less in body weight; Formula No. 2 is suitable for juveniles 3.2 to 6.0 cm in length and 0.3 to 2.5 g in body weight; Formula 3 is suitable for body length The fish is 6-10 cm and weighing 2.5-11 g. Formula No. 1 is the same as formula No. 2, with a protein content of 50%, a fat content of 17.5%, an ash content of 9.55%, a moisture content of 9%, a cellulose content of 2%, and a carbohydrate content of 12%. Formula 3 has a protein content of 47%, a carbohydrate content of 15%, and other ingredients in the same formula as No. 1 and No. 2.

The feed particle size is divided into 4 levels: 0.2-0.4, 0.4-0.8, 0.8-1.2, and 1.4-2.4 mm.

One of the key factors for the success or failure of artificial breeding is the formula feed that is suitable for the growth and development of salmon. Proteins are the necessary nutrients for the formation and maintenance of animal life and growth. Fat is an energy source, and it is also a source of fat-soluble and essential fatty acids. Vitamins play a role in coenzymes in fish, and if they are absent, they will affect the feed utilization, and the fish may suffer from loss of appetite, slow growth, unbalanced movement, and weak resistance to disease. Inorganic salts regulate the osmotic pressure and pH of fish, which are the main components of the enzyme or promote the activity of enzymes and participate in the formation of blood and bone.

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