Summer Cotton Management

Summer is a crucial period for cotton to stand up to a high yield and shape individuals with high light efficiency. Therefore, the management of cotton fields should focus on the promotion of fast-growing cotton trees, stable structures, long health care, increased branches, increased growth and strengthening of buds, prevention of droughts, floods, sudden changes, disaster prevention, strain management, and the following key measures.

First, the renovation of the water system is currently entering the rainy season, and flooding has occurred from time to time. In this regard, all localities must learn from the experience and lessons learned from the serious waterlogging disasters of cotton. They should stand up to disasters, attack clear channels, refurbish water systems, and effectively raise the standards of water systems in the cotton fields in order to reduce flood damage.

Second, remove the leaves of the hybrid cotton is not pruning; leave the leaves is not as good as possible. To change the extensive management method of planting hybrid cotton without pruning or eradicating buds, except for the lack of density, the cotton field can be appropriately selected to retain 1-2 robust leaf branches in the vertical direction, and other cotton fields should grab sunny leaves as soon as possible to remove excess leaves. Axillary buds. The leaves that you choose to stay must also fight at the right time.

Third, loose soil roots should be timely soil loosening, weeding, breaking the soil compaction, improve soil permeability, promote cotton root development, accelerate cotton growth. To combine weeding with weeds, do a good job of rooting. To practise soil, do not use ploughs to plough and cultivate the soil, form high-quality cotton field strips, and increase cotton's ability to resist wind and lodging. To promote the elimination of cotton fields, it is necessary to select suitable drugs and regulate the use of drugs.

Fourth, control pests to correct the insect-resistant cotton pests do not control the vague understanding of the blind maggots, red spiders, locusts, damaging cotton fields to promptly spray control, to provide a guarantee for high light-efficient plant type and high quality groups; pay close attention to cotton bolls The occurrence of insects, whether it is conventional cotton or insect-resistant cotton, as long as the prevention and treatment standards, must be timely medication control, reduce hazards.

Fifth, increase the use of hair frame fertilizer for basal deficiency, after transplanting unfertilized cotton fields or slow growth, weak seedlings of the cotton field, to increase the use of hair scaffolding fertilizer to promote the rapid transformation of cotton, fast hair trees, fast ride frame. The cotton field that has been applied with basal fertilizer and cotton seedlings must have enough fertilizer, and the first flower and bell fertilizer should be used in time after flowering. To overcome the idea of ​​light nitrogen fertilizer and light potassium fertilizer, no additional potassium fertilizer or insufficient potassium fertilizer is used in the base fertilizer. Potassium fertilizers; cotton fields with large row spacing and low density should be applied with flower and bell fertilizers in a timely manner; methods should be adopted for furrows; nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizer, and organic fertilizer should be combined on fertilizer types; and high-quality compound fertilizers should be promoted. If boron fertilizer is not applied in basal fertilizer, appropriate amount of boron fertilizer should be applied.

Sixth, due to disaster remedial storms caused by cotton lodging, it is necessary to timely support; heavy storms caused by cotton fields flooded, to drain timely drainage; hail disaster damage cotton seedlings, should be due to seedlings to promote growth. In addition, it is necessary to make timely adjustments due to seedlings.

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