Patterned paddy field cultivation

The former name of Xiangyun Temple was a new type of triploid fish that was completely infertile by the Liu Yan academician of Hunan Normal University. Xiangyun wolfberry has the characteristics of rapid growth, wide appetite, strong disease resistance, low temperature and low oxygen tolerance, easy fishing, tender meat, delicious taste, and rich nutrition. It has been welcomed by farmers and consumers. In order to change the traditional stocking mode of rice culture in rice paddies, we explored new ways of high yield and high efficiency of paddy fish farming. In 2002, the Bureau conducted trials of model rice cultivation in the Xiangyun Mountain in Xinwutang Village, Huichong Village, Guanyintan Village, Maozhu Town, Baishui Town, and counties in the county. The report is as follows:
First, materials and methods
1. Choose a land with adequate water supply, drainage and irrigation, convenient transportation and no drought and no soil. The soil quality is sticky and the area is 21.6 hectares.
2. The construction of fish surimi project is convenient for the intake and drainage of rice fields. The area of ​​surimi accounts for 5~8% of the total area of ​​rice fields, and the depth of fish surimi is 1~1.5 meters. It is surrounded by concrete bricks and each fish is open. ~2 gates 30 to 40 cm wide and 40 to 50 cm high are connected to the fish ditch.
3. The excavation of trenches for excavation of fish ditch is generally based on the size and shape of the field to dig "10", "1", and "well". Ensure that the ditch width is 40 cm and the depth is 50 cm, so that the ditch can communicate with each other and the ditch is connected with the ditch. The ditch area accounts for more than 10% of the area.
4. The field ridges of the Tianshui Pago are reinforced with rake bricks. The ridges are 50 centimeters high and 1 meter wide. They are compacted and compacted. The fields are surrounded by fruits, vegetables and high-quality pasture.
5, barred fish facilities in the paddy fields, drainage outlet installed to stop the fish facilities, made of wire or bamboo, size and number depending on the size of the paddy field and the amount of drainage.
6, 7-10 days before the rice field disinfection and prevention of fish, according to every 667 m 2 with lime 60 kg watered field splash.
7. The stocking stocks for breeding stocks of Xiangyun wolfberry are 3 to 4 cm in stocking size, stocking density is 1260/667 m2, and the stocking time is May 10, and each stock of 667 m2 is stocked with 30 grass carp, 10 squid, and stocking. Disinfect with 3% saline for 5-8 minutes.
8. Feed feeding The main feed is glutinous rice cake, wheat bran, and vegetable dried powder within one month, and squid pellet feed in the middle and late period.
9, scientifically regulate water quality In the hot season, the water quality is easily deteriorated, and new water should be added frequently. Generally, the water is changed every 7~10 days, and once a month, the lime is used once, usually 10~20 kg/mu, to ensure that the water quality reaches "Fat, live, tender, and cool."
10, rational fertilization medication before fertilization medication must be filled with new water in paddy fields, try to make the fish into the ditch, pimple. The fertilizing drugs should generally be selected on sunny days, and the use of highly effective and low-toxicity pesticides should be sprayed on the leaves of the seedlings as much as possible to reduce the amount of water injected into the fish and avoid fish poisoning.
11, do a good job of fish disease prevention work after the fish species Shimoda, every half a year disinfection of the whole field, quick lime, bleach, strong chlorine fine use alternately. At the same time, every 10 to 20 days to take internal medicine (Yuxuesan, allicin) prevention. To achieve disease-free prevention, disease early treatment, prevention and treatment is the fundamental principle of prevention of fish diseases.
II. Test results On November 15, 2002, an acceptance team consisting of the Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology, the Municipal Animal Husbandry and Aquatic Products Bureau, the County Bureau of Statistics, the County Science and Technology Bureau, and the County Animal Husbandry and Aquatic Products Bureau carried out acceptance tests on the experimental rice fields. Acceptance of 1.8 hectares of paddy field area, a total of 5865 kilograms of fresh fish, eel tail weight 0.16 kilograms, 22876 kilograms of rice production; according to the local market price, fish production value of 41055 yuan, rice production value of 20588 yuan; fish cost 12136 yuan, rice cost 15368 yuan; After deducting the cost, the net fishing income is 28,919 yuan, the net income of rice is 5,220 yuan, the fishing income per 667 meters is 1,071 yuan, and the net income of rice is 194 yuan. The input-output ratio is 1:2.24.
Third, analysis and discussion
1. Modeling rice in paddy fields in Xiangyunjing and Xiangyunjing is an ideal model for fish farming in rice ponds. Compared with the conventional paddy field, the fish yield is 2 to 5 times higher, and the benefit is 3 to 5 times larger. It is a fish farming model worthy of popularization. The Xiangyun wolfberry is a suitable mode for paddy field stocking and it is the first choice for stocking.
2. It can be seen from the test results that the individuals in Xiangyun Lake are small and the tail weight is 0.16 kg. Therefore, the price is low. The market price is 3.5 yuan per 500 grams, which directly affects the economic benefit. Individuals are above 0.25 kg. of. The price is generally more than 4 yuan per 500 grams. Therefore, the author believes that if stocks of spring fish are stocked, they can increase the size of the water and increase economic efficiency.
3. In view of the acceptance of paddy fields, they are all in a semi-intensive state. Although they have been fertilized and voted for, they have not yet met the needs of fish for feeding. This is also an important reason for the small size of fish, and the model rice fields have been With good ecological conditions, it is completely suitable for intensive cultivation. If the food can be ingested on the bait, the output can be greatly improved. Because the catfish is resistant to hypoxia, the yield can reach 2300-400 kg per 667 meters. The benefits will be greatly improved.

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