The effect and function of lemon tea

Lemon tea, a type of beverage, refers to a beverage made by punching lemon slices or adding ingredients such as tea, honey, and sugar. Due to the special properties of lemon, the beverage is rich in vitamin c and other beneficial ingredients, and the factors have a variety of health effects, and it is very popular among people.

Dietary value

1. Shengjinzhike: Throat to dry, refreshing and comfortable. Suitable for dry mouth, dry eyes, excessive thinking, lack of sleep, too many people talking.

2. Resolve phlegm and relieving cough: It has good moisturizing and physiotherapy effects on the throat, which is conducive to the healing of local inflammation, and can relieve local itching, thus blocking the cough reflex.

3. Rouge depressurization: make the blood pressure easier to control, and the capillary expansion, reduced blood viscosity, improved microcirculation.

4. Xiaoshi: Helps the secretion of stomach acid and the digestion of food, and is suitable for the treatment of dietary dyskinesia.

5. Invigorating spleen: Applicable to spleen weakness, lack of power due to abdominal distention, loose stools, loss of appetite, tired limb fatigue.

6. Strong bone: Prevent or assist in the treatment of orthopedic diseases.

7. Sweat solution table: Based on divergence of wind and heat, it is suitable for heavy fever, slight chills, headache, sore throat, thirst, red tongue, thin yellow coating, and wind-heat pulse symptom.

8. Anti-inflammatory and pain relief: relieve pain and reduce pain.

9. Hypoglycemic and Diabetes: It has the function of lowering blood sugar, promotes the decomposition of sugar, has the effect of converting excess sugar into heat, and improves the body's fat balance.


Lemon can be said to be a miraculous fruit and has great health benefits. Lemon tea vc-permeable cells remove toxins and waste, including lead, mercury, radiation, pesticides, uric acid, alcohol and other harmful substances excreted.

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