How long can the preserved passion fruit be preserved?

Usually Passeica is not stored for a long time. If it is placed in a ventilated environment or in a refrigerator, Passion fruit can be preserved for approximately one week. If you want to preserve passion fruit for longer, then use more special methods to save.

Passion fruit preservation method

Passion fruit should not be sealed and stored in refrigerators. It should not be frozen. After a certain period of time, the fruit peels will appear sunken. Some people mistakenly believe that such passion fruit has deteriorated and are thrown away. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. As long as the peel is not damaged, the hollow passion fruit is not degenerate, but instead it is preserved. More sweet.


How long can the passion fruit be stored?

Passion fruit can be stored for a relatively long time. If it is placed in a ventilated environment or in a refrigerator, fresh passion fruit can be stored for about a week or more. It has also been found that even if the skin becomes dry, the flavor of the flesh inside is not affected and even sweeter. In spite of this, it is still recommended that fresh fruit be eaten fresh, and do not wait until the peel has dried.

How to preserve passion fruit pulp

If you want to preserve the flavor of passion fruit for a longer time, you can process it into various foods. For example, you can take out the juice from passion fruit and put it in an ice cream mold to freeze it into an ice lolly. When you want to eat it, you can eat it from the refrigerator. Take out one, so that you can save more than one year.

Passion fruit can also be made into passion fruit jam, it can also be stored for a long time! So, what should you do with the 100% jam? First, the passion fruit washed, cut, dug out the pulp with a small spoon; then transferred into the sugar and stir evenly into the refrigerator and refrigerated for 2 hours; then remove and pour into a stainless steel pot, medium heat and boil until boiling, go to a small fire Heating, while stirring until the color becomes dark, the juice becomes slightly thick; later, it is put into the jam jar while hot, and it is cooled and sent to the refrigerator for storage.

Passion fruit preservation precautions

The juice can be taken out, frozen in the refrigerator, or frozen, ice cream then stored in the refrigerator. If you want the whole fruit to be preserved, you must first soak the passion fruit with a preservative and then freeze it. This will both preserve and retain water.

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