White fresh skin morphological characteristics

Morphological characteristics


White fresh is a perennial herb with a base of wood up to 1m. The whole plant has a special fragrance. The root is fleshy, with many lateral roots, and the skin is yellow-white to tan. Odd pinnate compound leaves alternate; leaf axis narrowly winged, leafless; leaflets 9-13, leaf ovate to elliptic, 3.5-9 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, apex acute, base cuneate, margin serrulate, Above the dark green, dense glands, white green below, dilute glands. Racemes terminal, up to 30 cm, mixed with white pilose and black glandular hairs on floral axis and pedicel; stipit length 1--2.5 cm, 1 linear-shaped sepal at base; sepals 5, ovate-lanceolate, long About 5mm, width about 2mm, base healed; petal 5, pale reddish with purplish red lines, oblanceolate or oblong, ca. 25mm, width 5-7mm, stalk gradually tapering: stamens 10 Ovary superior, 5 rooms. Capsule, densely glandular hairy, 5-lobed at maturity, with a tip at the tip of each limb. Seeds 2-3, nearly spherical, ca. 3 mm in diam., apex shortly pointed, black, shiny. Flowering from April to May and fruiting from June.


White-leaved fresh perennial herb, 30-80cm high. Stems erect, mostly branched from base, densely velvety, smooth, sometimes short-haired, scented. Odd pinnate compound leaves alternate; leaf axis hairy, base not winglike; petiole very short; leaflets 7-15, oblong or oblong, 5-10 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, apex acuminate, base Wide wedge or near-circular blunt, small serrations on the edges, curled below, smooth on top, sparsely white hairs along veins below. Inflorescences racemose, inserted at the apex of stem, densely dark brown glandular hairs and light brown hairs; sepals linear-lanceolate, densely dark brown glandular hairs; sepals 5, lanceolate-linear, 7-9 mm long, Apex acute, densely glandular hairs; corolla lanceolate or oblong, 2-4.5cm long, pale pink, purple-brown hairs, apex acute or obtuse, base gradually contracted into claws; stamens 10, isolated, filaments All hairy; upper ovary, sparsely white hair, styles smooth. When it matures, it has five cracks. Each tip has a tip. Seeds 2-3, nearly spherical, black, shiny. Flowering from May to July, fruiting from August to September.

The genuine white fresh skin is similar to the miscarrying pheasant, but as long as you grasp the four points: the genuine white fresh leather watch is slightly slippery, the cross section is layered, there is sheep's belching, and the taste is slightly bitter. The misuse of Caragana on the surface of the skin has a long transverse lenticels, cross-section powdery, fibrous, odorless pod beans, sweet taste. Can distinguish between authenticity.

White fresh root bark is rolled, 5-15cm long, 1-2cm in diameter, and 2-5mm thick. The outer surface is gray or grayish yellow, with fine longitudinal wrinkles and fine root marks, often with protruding granular dots; the inner surface is white, with fine vertical stripes. It is brittle and dusty when it breaks. The section is not flat and it is slightly lamellar. The outer layer is peeled off, and the small bright spots of the light can be seen. There is a bit of sheep gas, slightly bitter taste. It is better to use large, thick, gray, cross-sectional separation.

Root bark cross-section: white fresh wood bolt layer is 10

I column cork cells. The cortex is narrow, with long horizontal cracks. The phloem is broad, the cells are loosely arranged, and there are fissures; the bast ray is 1-3 rows wide. The cortex and phloem are scattered with a single fiber, square or long polygonal, extremely thick wall, and woody. This product parenchyma cells contain starch grains and calcium oxalate clusters.

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