çš– South China Morning Rice Direct Broadcast Technology

The direct seeding cultivation technology of rice has the advantages of saving labor and energy in the province, and has high yield and stability, but it is difficult to solve a series of problems such as leveling the land, seedlings, seedlings, weeds, and easy lodging, which hinders the popularization of rice direct broadcast technology. In recent years, the direct planting area of ​​early rice has been expanding year by year, which has played a significant role in stabilizing the planting area of ​​early rice.

To ensure that the whole seedlings and seedlings 1 choose the right road varieties. The selected varieties should have the characteristics of fertilizer resistance, dwarf lodging resistance, tillering and other characteristics, strong cold resistance at the seedling stage, and moderate maturity, avoiding the selection of early-maturing varieties to further shorten the growth period and result in reduced yield. 2 fine soil preparation. To achieve "early, flat, suitable, smooth", that is, early plowing, field flat surface, moderate soft and hard field surface, drainage and irrigation unimpeded. The three channels of horizontal ditch, vertical ditch and ditch ditch communicate with each other, so that the surface is not covered with water. Field surface requires 1 to 2 days before sowing to be done, and sowing after the soil is solid. 3 Promote buds and sow dry sowing. Look at the weather, germinate in time, and sow in the cold-fingered head. Soak seeds before drying, seed selection and chemical treatment. When sowing seeds, they strive to be even, so they can be planted back and forth quantitatively and fall back after sowing. 4 check seedlings fill seedlings. 20 to 25 days after sowing, field seedlings should be seeded in time to make up the seedlings, and they should be densely packed and replenished to make the rice plants evenly distributed.

Preventing weeds and weeds is an important obstacle to high-yield and stable production of direct-breeding early rice. The principle of “in addition to early, small, and in addition to” is to prevent weeds. Before weeding, weeds with large and large plots were treated with 10% glyphosate 15 kg/ha. When there was no accumulated water in the sunny field 7 to 10 days before sowing, 50 kg of water was sprayed; or before sowing. After the field is well-grounded, water is poured 3 to 4 centimeters deep and sprayed with 60% butachlor 1500 ml/ha. On the day of sowing and sowing till the third day, 17.2% of the pups can be sprayed with water at a rate of 3,000 g/hectare, or evenly sprayed with 30% of sulfermamide at a rate of 1000 ml/ha 3 to 5 days after sowing. In fields where there are more broad-leaved weeds from the five-leaf rice to the late tillering stage, the fields should be drained. With 20% dimethyltetrachlorosilane 3000 ml/ha water spray 50 kg, every 4 days after irrigation 4 to 5 cm, keep 7 to 10 days after the natural dry.

Promote seedlings to control seedlings, prevent lodging and 1 reasonable water management. The seedlings do not establish a layer of water in the field before the three-leaf stage, and can keep the field moist, so that they can cultivate their roots and promote rooting and erection. In the three-leaf stage to the five-leaf stage, the seedling growth was promoted by dry and wet alternation, and the thin-skinned water was fed after the five-leaf stage to promote the early growth of the seedlings. 2 Scientific fertilization. Fertilization should meet the needs of the early-season fast-growing, early-middle-term stability, and late-stage growth prevention of early-season rice. The method of “forefoot, central control, and post-supply” should be adopted. Basal fertilizer accounted for 40% of the amount of fertilizer and topdressing 60%. Base fertilizer was dominated by organic fertilizers, such as human or animal manure or green manure, and the top dressing was heavy in the three-leaf stage. Nitrogen fertilizer should be used for basic fertilizer and top dressing, phosphate fertilizer should be applied as base fertilizer, and potassium fertilizer should be applied when topdressing. The anti-inversion effect is more significant. Mid-term control of fertilization, to prevent the group is too large to cause lodging, later see seedlings moderate amount of fertilizer, prevent premature aging increased grain weight. 3 Early control of seedlings. When the stem shoots in the field reached 80% of the expected number of spikes, the field was put on hold. Due to the shallow distribution of roots of direct-seeded rice, it is advisable to use multiple light-offs to gradually deepen the root system. 4 chemical regulation. Spraying paclobutrazol once at the end of direct seeding tiller and at the beginning of the break has a significant effect of controlling the length and increasing grain weight; when paddy fields are combined at the jointing stage, combined application of uniconazole and potash fertilizer, the anti-fall effect is also obvious. .

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