Breeding of spiny-breasted frogs

The spine-breasted frog, also known as the stone frog and chukar, belongs to the amphibia class, Anura, Ranidae, and Rana. It is a large, rare species of frog distributed in the mountainous regions of Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, and Anhui Provinces, with a maximum population of 750 individuals. Grams. In addition to eating spiny-breasted frogs, there is still a high medicinal value.

First, the biological characteristics of spines and frogs

(A) Morphological characteristics The spiny-breasted frog has a rough skin with many pods on the back and is more irregularly arranged in rows. The back, sides, and sides of the head, trunk, and limbs are covered with small round buns, most prominently on the side of the body. The head is flat and wide, the kiss is round, and the kiss is not obvious; the nostrils are between the kiss and the eye; the eye space is smaller than the distance between the nose; the back of the eyes has a transverse skin groove, the palpebral folds are extremely prominent; the back is painted brown, two There is a black horizontal line between the eyes, with black vertical lines on the upper and lower lips. Male frogs have a pair of pharyngeal internal vocal sac. The chest was full of scattered large hedgehogs; the forelimbs were thick, the ends of the fingers were inflated into a spherical shape with thick marginal membranes on the fingertips; the tumors under the joints and palmar processes were well developed, the base of the first finger was thick, and the inner three fingers were black thorns. The breasts of female frogs are free of thorns, and the back of the female frog is scattered. The spine and frog had hind limbs, and the metatarsophalangeal joints could reach the eye, and the zygomatic folds were obvious. The full septum was between the toes and the free edges of the first and the five toes were covered with membranes; the tumors under the joints developed; the inner ear burst and there was no outer ear.

(b) The habits of spiny frogs often inhabit the foothills of the foothills and creeks of Laoshan Laolin. Youxi live in Qingshui Lake at the bottom of the hanging rock, and there are small pools where waterfalls pour down, or there is water flow and clarity. Bottom of the mountain stream. The spine-breasted frog is afraid of the light, has thick hind legs, and has a strong jumping ability. The bounce height is up to 1 meter. In the evening, they climb out of the cave and feed on and play in the bushes on the banks of the mountain stream or on the hillside. However, its scope of activities is not large, mostly 20-30 meters around the cave, and return to the cave at night. During the day, it usually falls on the entrance of the cave or lurks in the gap between the grass, gravel and stone, and waits to catch nearby food. Once you encounter snakes, rats, and other predators or people, quickly return to the hole, or sneak into the bottom. The spine frog is very sensitive to changes in temperature and water temperature environment. On hot, dry, low-pressure nights, or before the storm, they burrow out and jump to higher rocks or slopes, accompanied by deep, majestic roars. The strength of the spiny-breasted frog is closely related to its external environmental conditions, and changes in its water temperature are particularly significant. The water temperature is 18-28°C and the food is normal. When the water temperature exceeds 30°C, summer sleep occurs. When the water temperature exceeds 36°C, the activity is abnormal and even death occurs. At the end of autumn, when the water temperature is lower than 15°C, it begins to hibernate. It does not move and does not feed. The eyes are closed and hidden in the cave. To avoid the bad environment. When hibernating, the nutrients stored in the body are used to carry out extremely weak metabolism. It has been observed that hibernation generally begins after frost, and the water temperature before and after convulsions (above 15°C) gradually recovers, and the period of hibernation is about 100 days. During hibernation, if the weather is warm and the water temperature is higher than 15°C, some of the frogs may fall on the hole or jump out of the cave. During hibernation, spiny-breasted frogs inhabit the deep water pool in the mountain stream or in the Xibian area.

(3) Feeding habits Newly hatched eggs with their own yolk sac are used as nutrients; after the yolk sac is consumed, plankton, rotifers, ciliates, paramecium, moss, and plant debris feed on them. In artificial feeding, some high-protein feeds such as egg yolk, soymilk and fish meal can be fed. The frogs have a wide range of diets and are mainly eaten by insects. They also eat oysters, snail larvae, small fish shrimp and other small animals. Small seeds are sometimes eaten in some plants. The spiny-breasted frog has poor vision and can only eat live baits. When a food target is found, it suddenly jumps up, and it directly feeds on food objects to capture food and quickly rolls into the mouth. Predation mostly occurs in the evening and at night. Artificial feeding can take artificial pellet feed after artificial feeding.

(IV) Breeding habits The spiny frog males and females are very easy to distinguish from the appearance: the male frog is larger, the forelimb is thick, there is a large black thorn on the chest, there is a mat and large black thorn in the palm, and there is a pharyngeal vocal sac; female The frogs were smaller in size, with smaller forelimbs, no large black thorns on the chest, non-married mats, no pharyngeal vocal sac, and full and soft abdomen in the breeding season. Their sexual maturity was 2 years old. The breeding season is April-September and May-July is the breeding season. The spiny-breasted frog is a type of spawning many times a year. The group lays eggs in three batches a year, the first batch is in late April; the second batch is from late May to early June; the third batch is from early July to August. The amount of egg laid was different from the individual size, water temperature, and gonadal development. The mating of spiny-breasted frogs is usually done in the evening. Before the mating, the male frog sends a “puppet” mate to attract the female frog. When the female frog hears the cry, it lingers in the water. Sometimes it sends a "card" to echo and seeks for a hug. When they are held, the male frog rides on the back of the female frog and holds it tightly with its forelimbs. The sperm and eggs are produced in vitro and ex vivo.

Second, the artificial reproduction of spiny-breasted frogs

(a) Construction of artificial breeding grounds 1. Construction of pro-frog pools: The area of ​​pro-frog pools should be 300-400 square meters. If the water surface is too small, the water temperature and the water quality will change drastically, affecting the normal development of the pro-frog; if the water surface is too large, the management will be inconvenient. Pool depth 1.2-1.5 meters, can store about 1m. There should be a small amount of slime and aquatic plants at the bottom of the pool. Pool dike ratio 1:2.5. There should be some land around or in the pool for frogs to inhabit and eat. The ratio of water to land is better than 1:1. Land should be planted with vegetation, vegetables, etc. Some aquatic plants should be transplanted into the pond, such as goldfish algae, Malay's eye dish, black leaf algae, water hyacinth, etc., so as to facilitate concealment and inhabitation of pro-frogs. 2, the construction of spawning pool: spawning pool area is small, generally 50-60 square meters, water depth 40-50 cm. The area of ​​the shallow water area accounts for about 1/3 of the water surface, in order to facilitate pro-frog spawning. Some aquatic plants should be transplanted into the pond for frogs to inhabit and attach to frog eggs. 3. Construction of hatching tank and sewing of hatchery box: The hatch tank should be designed with a specially designed cement tank. With an area of ​​1-2 square meters, several connections can be made to hatch in batches according to different spawning periods. The pool was made of brick and the surface was wiped with cement. The wall of the pool is 60 cm high and the bottom of the pool is 10 cm above the drain. Position as close as possible to the pro-frog pool, spawning pool, and dip pool in order to transfer the pool. The water injection port and the water discharge port are relatively linear, and the water discharge port is derived from the bottom of the tank by using a bent pipe. A shed above the hatchery provides shelter from the rain. Frog eggs hatching can also be used incubator. The incubator can be sewn with 40-60 mesh screen cloth or cotton gauze. The hatchery is open-mouthed, with a floor area of ​​1-2 square meters and a height of 60 centimeters. It can be fixed to a wooden frame or float in a pool with bamboo rafts. 4. Construction of Dianchi Lake: Dianchi Lake can be an earthen pond or a cement wall earthen pond. In the initial period of feeding, the soil pool in the cement wall is good for feeding. On the one hand, the pool water is clear and the pool water is not turbid. On the other hand, the earthworm can be adsorbed on the pool wall to rest. However, the cement pool also has a negative side, that is, it is inconvenient to land when the pupa changes to a young frog. The solution is: shelving some planks and bamboo curtains in the pool for the landing of young frogs. Cement pool area is generally 2-4 square meters, the pool depth is 50 centimeters, there are drain irrigation holes, and leave land. If earthworms are used to cultivate earthworms, the area should be larger, usually 10-20 square meters, with a depth of 40-50 centimeters, and a shady shed or fruit shade should be planted along the pool.

(2) Artificial propagation technology 1. The choice of pro-frogs is selected as the artificially-breeding pro-frog, and both male and female are generally required to be over 2 years old and weigh over 300 grams. The individual's small pro-frog has less sperm and eggs, poor quality, and low fertilization rates. Mature female frogs are enlarged and soft on the abdomen, the outline of the ovaries is obvious, and they are elastic. You can feel the mature eggs by gently touching the abdomen with your hands. The frog's throat was marked with yellow spots and screamed sorghum. Male and female frogs are disease-free, invigorating and energetic. 2. The transport of pro-frog frogs should be carried out in spring and autumn. Summer heat and heat, winter cold and freezing are not suitable for transportation. Shipping containers can be wooden or plastic boxes. Its height is about 10 cm and it is easy to handle. When packing, the bottom of the box is covered with a layer of water grass. The pro-frogs are placed in small gauze bags, one per bag, and then placed in a box. Each bag is also separated by water. Fill with a layer of water and then fold the box tightly. Sprinkle water every 3-4 hours during transportation to keep the frog wet and transport it for 5-6 days. It should be noted that pro-frogs should be allowed to rest for 2-3 days prior to shipment to reduce excretion of feces and infectious diseases during transport. In addition, try to reduce the vibration during transportation so as not to injure a frog. 3, feeding and management of pro-frogs (1) stocking density and the proportion of pro-Rana individual needs a loose environment, if the stocking density is too large, pro-frogs in the pool interfere with each other, compete for food to compete, affect its normal development, generally There are 1-2 stocks per square meter, male and female is 1:1 or 2:1, and there are too many male frogs, which not only compete with female frogs for food disputes, but also cause mutual tearing and injury and affect normal development. (2) Feeding Management Disinfect with quicklime or bleaching pond clearing tank about 10 days before intimacy. When the frog is in the lower pool, soak in 2 torr salt water for 15-20 minutes and then lower the pool. After pro-family pooling, he started to rarely move out due to environmental changes and dive into the water with a little noise. Active food intake after 4-5 days. Feeds of pro-frogs require a certain amount of protein to accumulate nutrients and promote the development of gonads. In the daily feeding, attention should be paid to adding a certain amount of meat and bone meal and methionine to increase fecundity and sperm viability. Feeding high-fat, high-calorie feeds to avoid over-accumulation of fat-rich frogs may result in dystocia. It is best to feed some fresh live fish, such as clams, small fish, shrimp, snail meat and so on. After the winter, the amount of frogs fed is 5-6% of body weight, and after 1-2 months of spawning, the amount of feeding is 8-10% of body weight. Daily feeding is at 9am and 4pm. (3) Feeding methods are generally provided with a food table at the edge of the pool, with a dense net, window gauze or woven bag at the bottom, nailed on a wooden frame or bamboo frame, floating on the water surface, so as to maintain a depth of about 3 centimeters in the food table. The live food is placed in it so that the frog can feed freely and the extruded pellet feed can also be placed on the food table. In particular, it should be emphasized that live worms should be removed in a timely manner if they lose their odor or feed deteriorate. 4, artificial oxytocin (1) oxytocin preparation, dose and liquid preparation: drugs used for pro-frog oxytocin are: chorionic gonadotropin, dose per kilogram of frogs with 3-5 mg or 800-1000 international units; Progesterone-releasing hormone analogues at a dose of 20-25 micrograms per kilogram of pro-family; other frogs pituitary at a dose of 6-8 per kg of pro-family. Male frog dose is halved. Efficient oxytocin mixture, mixed hormones, etc. can also be used. When preparing the liquid medicine, first call the total weight of the frog to be produced, calculate the dosage according to different drug dosages, calculate the dosage of physiological water for injection according to the dosage of 1 ml to 2 ml for each frog, and dissolve the drug. In the water. (2) The site and method of injection. When the water temperature reaches 20°C or more, the male frog buzzes frequently, and when the female frog's abdomen expands, it can induce labor. The injection site has leg muscles or subcutaneous skin. Intramuscular injection, the syringe and the frog body into a 1.5 centimeter into the needle 1.5 cm; subcutaneous injection, the abdomen skin with tweezers, horizontal needle into the 2 cm; gently massage the needle hole when the needle back to prevent the liquid Spillover. After the injection, it should be left for a while, and then the male and the female should be placed in the spawning pool at a ratio of 1:1. After 6-8 hours, the male frog screams and begins to hunt and embrace the female frog, which means spawning and fertilization. If more than 10 hours have not yet been seen, you need to inject the second needle. The dose is 80% of the first needle. 5. After 4-5 hours of artificial fertilization and frog injecting oxytocin, the male and female frogs can see each other and hug each other. Then the left hand grasps the frog, the right hand presses the abdomen of the female frog in the direction of the cloaca, and squeezes the egg from the excretory hole. In the washbasin, another person dissects the male frog, removes the testis and chops, adds a certain amount of physiological saline and mixes to make the sperm suspension, splash it on the egg, and stir it with feathers for 1-2 minutes so that the eggs can be mixed and contacted. , Then transfer the fertilized eggs into the hatching tank or incubator. 6. Incubation of fertilized frog eggs (1) Preparation before hatching The size of the equipment for hatching frog eggs is determined by the number of fertilized eggs. Generally, water of 50-60 cm depth can hold 5000-6000 grains of fertilized eggs per square meter. Cement tanks, water tanks, porcelain basins, tubs, aquariums, fish cages, etc. can all be used as hatching tools, of which cement tanks and fry cages have the best hatching effect. Before use, hatching tools must be soaked with 1 ‰ of potassium permanganate solution for 5-6 days, and then into the water, keep the water depth 30-40 cm, and use the washed and disinfected water peanuts and other aquatic plants to evenly trap in the water. It is better to expose the surface of the water to support the egg mass and prevent it from sinking. Then the lightly-placed fertilized egg is placed on the water and floats on the surface of the water. (2) Environmental conditions for hatching: The incubation of frog eggs requires certain environmental conditions, and environmental conditions are suitable to increase the hatching rate of fertilized eggs. a. Water temperature is one of the main conditions for the hatching of frog eggs. The suitable temperature for embryonic development of A. spinosa is 20-31°C, the optimum water temperature is 25-31°C, and water temperature is higher than 35°C or lower than 15°C. death. The water temperature is 30°C. It takes 134 hours for the embryonic development to reach the completion of the lid, and 188 hours for the temperature at 25°C. During incubation, attention must be paid to the drastic changes in the water temperature. b. The pH of the incubation water is in the range of 6 to 8.6, but preferably 7 to 7.5. c. When the salinity of incubation water is 0.2%, there is no adverse effect on embryonic development, but malformation occurs when the salinity exceeds 0.3%, and the embryo stops developing when the salinity reaches 1%. d. Oxygen content of water for hatching of frog eggs requires more than 4 mg/l, and if it is less than 3 mg/l, it will affect embryonic development. Below 2 mg/l, embryos die due to lack of oxygen. Therefore, it is best to use water to hatch, not to impulsive frog eggs for the degree; using static water incubation, should always change the water, change the water at least once a day, change the water every time about 1/4, to ensure that the water oxygen is sufficient and the water temperature is stable. e. The content of iron and other metal ions in the incubation water must not exceed the drinking water standard, otherwise it will reduce the hatching rate. f. Incubation water Avoid contact with pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Incubation requires a stable water level, usually 30 cm. When it is too shallow, the water temperature changes greatly; if it is too deep, the frog eggs that sink into the bottom are affected. (3) Incubation management: a. Sun protection against rain. The hatching is best carried out indoors. When the hatching takes place outdoors, a pergola should be placed above the hatching tool to prevent sun exposure and to prevent heavy rain from hitting the egg mass and sinking into the bottom, affecting the hatching rate. b. Prevent the fertilized egg from integrating. If the frog spawns eggs inadvertently or carelessly picks eggs, the egg pieces stick together, then the granules in the inner layer of the lumps become necrotic due to lack of oxygen, and they easily become mildewy, causing water quality, which greatly affects the hatching rate. If the egg masses are too large, they should be divided into small groups so that they can be arranged in a single layer, or they can be evacuated by moving the egg pieces with water. Operate lightly when operating, with water separation. c. Prevent deterioration of water quality. The unfertilized egg and necrotic egg are grayish white, corruption and decomposition will produce organic acid pollution of water quality, so that the development of normal fertilized eggs is hindered and the hatching rate is reduced. For this reason, it is necessary to use the gauze made in time to remove the bad eggs. Corrupt aquatic plants and other debris should also be promptly removed. d. Prevent predators. Incubation water must be filtered through a 40-mesh sieve before it can be used. In the event that the water is mixed with sword leeks and small shoals of fish, such as frog eggs and quail, they can be splashed with one-millionth of the crystal trichlorfon to kill the frog eggs and quail. .

Third, the cultivation of elk and frogs

(1) Breeding of newly hatched cockroaches The length of the newly hatched cockroach is 4-5 cm. There is a horseshoe-shaped suction cup on the head and the mouth is located under the suction cup. The yolk sac is large and used to feed nutrients. Increased ability to transfer to Dianchi Lake. Before diverting, the Dianchi Lake should be disinfected first, the concrete pool should be cleaned with 1/50000 bleaching powder, and the earthen pond should be cleared with 0.2 kiln lime. 1. The stocking density of earthworms is directly related to water quality, feed, and individual size. A reasonable stocking density can increase the survival rate and growth rate of earthworms. Generally 10 days after hatching, they should be evacuated and reared with 1,500-2,000 tails per square meter; after 20 days, 700-1000 tails should be released per square meter; after 30 days, the density should be adjusted to 100 tails per square meter. If the water source conditions are good, the feed is adequate, and the feeding and management level is high, the stocking density can also be increased by 2-3 times. 2. The breeding quail must be fed artificially after 3 days of hatching, and the opening yolk should be cooked with egg yolk. Its usage: The first yellow kneading, add water to open, filtered with 40 mesh gauze Quanchiposa feeding. Feed one egg yolk per 3,000-4,000 oysters and feed them once a day. After 5-6 days, the powdered feed can be fed by feeding a bamboo raft on both sides of the pond, binding the feed pan with a string to the bamboo raft, and submerging the feed pan into the water. cm. Then, the powdered feed is crushed into dough every day and placed in a feed tray. The quail feeds into the feed pan. It is also possible to place a feast in the shallow water of the pool and put the feed on the feast. The amount of feed will gradually increase according to the growth of the loquat. In 10-20 days, 1000 oysters, 50-100 grams of daily feed, 60% of animal feed, 40% of plant feed, 30 days of metamorphosis, 500-1000 grams of bait per 1000 pupa, animals Half of the feed and vegetable feed are fed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the morning and one at a time. If a large area of ​​earthen ponds is cultivated, fresh water should be injected into the pool 6-7 days before the stocking, and the livestock manure released through decomposed fermentation should be used. Green manure and other fertilizers for fertilization, generally 500-600kg per acre base fertilizer. During the rearing period, manure or green manure should be topped up according to water quality, and the amount of topdressing per acre is 5-10 kg. 3. Water quality management: Individuals are required to live in a relatively small body of water. When the water depth begins, the water depth should be better and lighter in order to increase the water temperature and promote the growth of earthworms. As the individuals grow into the summer, they must deepen the water level to prevent high temperatures. The appropriate water level should also be maintained so that the earthworm can safely pass winter. The water quality requirements of the breeding clams are “fat, live, tender and cool”. If you find bubbles or odors in the pool, you should immediately replace the new water. In general, changing the water once every 6-7 days, the weather is hot and dry, the residual bait in the pool is easily fermented and deteriorated, and the pool water is polluted. Therefore, the remaining bait in the feed pan should be removed every day, and the water should be changed every 3-4 days. If there is a lack of water and it is not easy to change the water in the whole pool, the drainage outlet at the bottom of the pool can be opened to discharge part of the old water and add some new water. In addition, some aquatic plants (such as water lilies, water hyacinths, etc.) should be put into the pool to consume nutrients, purify water, and feed on quails. 4. Controlling metamorphosis and cultivating large scales; the individual size of the young frog is related to the size of the pupa. The bigger the pupa is, the larger the frog larvae after metamorphosis, such as the 8-10 cm body length, the metamorphosis The frog weighs only 4-5 grams, and its body length is 14-15 centimeters. The metamorphosis of the young frog can reach 8-9 grams. The survival rate of individual young frogs is generally only about 30%, and even if they survive, most of the frogs are emaciated and sick. After the spring, they have no ability to take their own food. Therefore, it is very difficult to cultivate commodities. Therefore, in actual production, According to the larvae hatched in different seasons, different methods are adopted to improve the survival rate and growth rate. During the April-May incubation period, adopting methods such as warming or incubating and increasing the proportion of animal feed for feed, accelerate the growth of cockroaches, promote their early metamorphosis, complete metamorphosis in July, and cultivate for more than 100 grams after 100 days of incubation. Overwintering, up to commodity standards in June-July. During the months from June to July, the hatchlings hatched have suitable water temperature and fast growth rate. However, the growth period is short. It is necessary to strengthen the cultivation and feed more animal feed to complete metamorphosis before September. support. Feed more live bait so that it weighs more than 50 grams before winter, before it can safely winter. The crickets that hatched after July are less than 100 days old and enter the overwintering period. If the metamorphosis is completed, the young frogs have a short feeding time and physical weakness, and the survival rate in winter is very low. In actual production, in order to prevent pupa metamorphosis, When young frogs pass through the winter, they usually reduce their animal feed. They use plant-based feed as the main ingredient. They put shading racks on the top of the pond and often fill the river with lower water temperature. Diluted properly, promote the growth of earthworms, make them fully developed up to 12 centimeters or more, metamorphosis in the next year in April-May, when the metamorphosis of the young frog, individual large, good physical condition, growth rate than the pre-winter metamorphosis of the young frog fast. 5. Pay attention to sunstroke prevention and wintering: The optimal water temperature for alfalfa growth is 22-26°C. When the water temperature exceeds 30°C, the physical and chemical properties of water will change drastically, which will affect the growth and development of alfalfa. When the water temperature exceeds 35°C, the alfalfa will begin to appear. Death, therefore, in the summer high temperature season to build a pergola and ground water, deepen the water level, in order to reduce the water temperature, when the water temperature below 20 °C when the food intake decreased, when the water temperature below 15 °C, the clams stopped feeding, but the embarrassing The cold resistance is much stronger than that of the young frog. As long as the water depth in the pool is maintained, some straw can be covered in the wintering pond, so that it can safely pass winter.

(c) Cultivation of young frogs The area of ​​the young frog pool for the young frog pool should not be too large. The largest one is tens of square meters, and the smaller one is 3-5 square meters. In order to facilitate the larvae to taming, it is better to use a small pool. Young frog breeding can be used in earthen ponds, cement pools can also be used, pool depth 60-70 cm, good water retention performance. In order to prevent the escape of frogs and the invasion of foreign enemies, the young frogs should be surrounded by reeds or screens, and their height should be about 1 meter. Inlet and outlet also need to block the net to prevent the frogs from fleeing when entering or draining. In the hot season, the young frog pool should be thrown to cover the shade shed. Around the planting melon, gourd or grape and so on. In winter, young frog ponds should be covered with plastic sheds and covered with straw to protect the young frogs safely over the winter. The young frog ponds are equipped with bait stations and serve as resting places. 2. Pre-cultivation of young frogs: After about 80 days of incubation, the cubs can be transformed into adult frogs. The frog's morphology and habits are completely different from those of pupa. At this time, the limbs have grown and the tail gradually shrinks until it completely disappears. The cracks in the mouth gradually deepened, and the tympanic membrane formed. Finally, the mouth crack extended to the bottom of the tympanic membrane. The tongue was also well-developed and the sputum degenerated into the lungs. This is the transitional period from the aquatic to the terrestrial of the spiny-breasted frog. Since then, the spine-breasted frog has not been able to dive into the water for a long time to use the dissolved oxygen in the water, but has to climb onto the ground or often expose the water to breathe in the air. In the beginning of land formation, its morphological structure and living habits are changing, and various organs are not yet perfect and developed. In particular, predation and movement organs are not very developed, and predation and exercise capacity are poor. To feed supplements, can easily cause death. Therefore, choosing the proper food and carefully keeping it is the key to improving the survival rate of young frogs. The newly metamorphosis frog has a body weight of about 5 to 15 grams. The individual differences are large and the physique is weak. It takes a period of pre-cultivation. The pre-cultivation is mainly to feed live bait, and the pupa and small trash fish are the best. Long strips of live fish are preferred, and 100-150 grams per 100 young frogs are fed daily. The quail must be rinsed with clean water before feeding to ensure the frogs are full. The young frogs are bred by the early 7-8 days and their physique is strong enough to start taming. 3. Dietary domestication of young frogs: The spiny-breasted frog, like other frogs, has traditionally used live animals as baits under natural conditions and has not taken dead baits. However, under artificial feeding conditions, artificial diets can also be eaten through domestication. The method of food is as follows: (1) Using small trash fish as attractant substances. When larval frogs are bred in advance, first select small long-spotted fish to feed, and after feeding for a certain period of time, cut the taller fish into strips. Or, the larger strips of fish are cut and mixed in the live fish, and then the proportion of live fish gradually decreases, the proportion of dead fish gradually increases, and even the total number of dead fish is fed. When the dead fish accounted for most of the time, pellet feed was gradually added, and finally pellet feed was all fed. The bait is fed on a bait station in the water. The bait station is made of wood strips and screens cloth and placed in water. When feeding small miscellaneous fish, due to the beating of small fish, the frog is quickly induced to feed on the table. The pellet feed floats on the surface of the center of the bait station. Because of the activities of fish and frogs, the granular food on the surface of the water also fluctuates and can seduce. Frogs come to eat. After gradually adapting to habits, feeding any bait will take food on time. 2 The pupa was used to attract the material, and the live pupa was placed on the bait station, and the frog was tempted to feed due to the peristalsis. Although there is not much activity, the tempting of frogs is not as fast as that of beating fish. However, mutton is more palatable than small fish, and its activity is weak. It is easy to be preyed and has high nutritional value. It is most suitable for rearing young frogs. . When feeding, be sure to rinse with water, so as not to pollute the water. When the young frogs are used to take a shot, they can be mixed with appropriate size pellets in the gills, and gradually transition to feeding all artificial pellets. 3 The young frogs that have been domesticated for feeding are placed in the undomesticated young frog pool, and the domesticated frogs can feed and stimulate the undomesticated frogs to feed on the larvae. It is an important part of the artificial breeding process that the frog cubs of the spiny-breasted frogs are bred. The following points should be paid special attention when cubs are bred. 1 Domesticated frogs should be basically the same size to avoid eating too much. 2 The size of the domestication pool is suitable, generally 3-5 square meters, cement pool or earth pool can be, but the pool bottom should have a certain slope, without any hidden objects. The surface of the pool is too large, and the young frogs are dispersed. 3 The stocking density is relatively large, no less than 100 per square meter, up to 400-500, such as too little stocking, thin density, competition in feeding is not obvious, can not stimulate each other and influence, domesticated food is relatively difficult The time for tame food is also longer. 4 When taming with food bait, tame the depth of water in the frog's hind legs, and the pool should not have any land or suspended material for frogs to rest, forcing the frog to feed on the bait and rest. 5 The tame food should be regularly fed 2-3 times a day at the specified time. After the habit is established, the young frogs will automatically concentrate on the bait station. 6 Keep the water fresh. When taming, due to the excretion of feces and leftover bait more, easy to corrupt the water quality, so when tame food, every day to clean the bait station, and change the water once, to ensure that the water is fresh and prevent disease. 4. Feeding and management of young frogs 1 Stocking of young frogs: The area of ​​breeding young frog ponds is generally 10-15 square meters, and about 100 stocks are stocked per square meter. The young frogs in the same pool should keep the same size, prevent weak meat from eating, and eat less. 2 Timely quantitative feeding, during proper temperature period, feeding 2-3 times a day, the feeding amount is 3-5% of the frog's body weight. When feeding compound feed, it can also feed some fresh baits, such as Small fish, shrimp and so on. 3 Keep fresh water, indoor aquaculture need to change the water every day, cleaning the pool and food baits on the bait and excrement to keep the water fresh, outdoor soil pool farming, although do not need to change the water every day, but pay attention to water quality can not be too fat and smelly Add new water frequently. 4 Observe and timely prevent diseases. When feeding every day, observe feeding and activity of young frogs. If some frogs are found to be inactive, or if their abdomen bulges out of the water and does not reach the surface of the water, or if they bow down to the bottom of the pool, they are already sick. They must be diagnosed promptly and have the right medicine. 5 Prevention of predators, the main predators of young frogs are rats and snakes. They should always check the fences and whether they are damaged by rats or other enemy damage. Repair the damaged areas in time to prevent frogs from escaping or invading enemy fences. The outside of the network set its rat poison to kill rats. 6 Pay attention to heatstroke and cold protection: The optimum growth temperature of the spiny-breasted frog is 22-26°C. During raising, the water temperature exceeds 32°C, and the growth of young frogs is affected. Therefore, in the hot season, the frog pond should pay attention to shading, such as A variety of fruits, grapes and so on. Breeding in the room should always pay attention to open doors and windows to maintain ventilation. In winter, young frogs do not tolerate freezing temperatures and are susceptible to freezing. Outdoor baby frog pool should be covered with plastic sheeting. In case of freezing rain and snow, it is best to cover the plastic shed with a layer of rice straw, often adding some well water to keep the water temperature above 10°C. Indoor breeding, to close the doors and windows, deepen the water level, or appropriate heating, to ensure that the young frog safe winter.

Botanical Extracts (Herb extracts) refers to the ingredients extracted or processed from plant (all or a portion of the plant) by suitable solvents or methods. They can be used in the pharmaceutical, food, health, beauty and other industries.

We source and supply these ingredients of plant (botanicals) primarily to specialty food and nutritional industries. We are steadfast and committed to our sales support, research and development of any botanical we supply. We have perpetual inventory and we choose to "optimize" formulations with our clients.

Botanical Extracts

Plant Extracts,Botanical Extracts,Fruit Extracts,Natural Extracts