Winter geese goose ten links

Winter bred goslings is to hatch the normal spring hatch of the goose to the beginning of winter. In winter, the hatching goslings have fewer diseases and grow faster. After dozens of days of raising and fattening, the fat and fat are full, and they are listed one after another during the Spring Festival. The price is 1 to 2 times higher than that of the spring goslings, and the economic benefits are particularly good. Winter geese geese, to master the following technical aspects: First, the brooding sterilized bred to thoroughly clean before entering the brood, close the doors and windows, with formaldehyde and potassium permanganate fumigation 20 to 30 minutes, and then open the doors and windows for ventilation. The goose's sports grounds and utensils shall be soaked with 0.2% potassium permanganate solution or disinfected with 3% caustic soda water and disinfected once every half month. Second, the temperature of the newly hatched goslings gossip is rare, the ability to resist cold is poor, and it is advisable to keep the temperature at 28°C to 30°C. After that, it is reduced by 1°C every two days until it is kept at room temperature. Pay attention to observing the health status of the goslings and adjust the temperature as necessary. Third, the lack of drinking water drinking goslings will affect its growth and development, adding appropriate amounts of glucose and vitamin C in drinking water will help clean up the stomach and eliminate meconium. For goslings within a week of age, drinking potassium permanganate, which has a disinfectant efficacy, can be supplied. Fourth, eat young goslings open food to follow the "Goose has been green", "bogey salt taboo" feeding principles. Opened diets usually use rice to boil a medium-sized boiled rice and use cold boiling water to remove the stickiness of the rice, so that “it is not hard, ripe and not sticky, it becomes granules, and it is sprinkled open”. Sprinkle the rice on a clean plastic film or mat to induce the goslings to feed and each time feed 6 to 70% full. Two-week-old goslings were fed 6 to 8 times a day, including one at a time. The goslings will gradually feed the cut green filamentous green feed from the day they start to eat, so as to reduce the amount of ground feeding, and the young and weak chicks will be raised separately. 5. Humidity in the broiler house is too high, which not only affects the growth of the goslings, but also lowers the temperature. It also easily leads to colds and squatting on the goslings. When the humidity is too low, the water in the body of the goslings is distributed with the respiratory tract, resulting in poor absorption of the residual yolk. Therefore, the brooding house should maintain a suitable humidity of 60% to 65%. 6. Ventilation Strengthen the ventilation of the brooding house to prevent ammonia poisoning of goslings. Before the ventilation, the temperature should be increased by 1°C to 2°C, and the doors and windows should be opened at noon on a sunny day to allow the goslings to gradually adapt to the changes in the environment. Later, the goslings can be released for activities outside the house to facilitate their use. Enhance physical fitness. VII. Illumination The winter goslings do not require much light. As long as the brooding house maintains sufficient natural light, it can basically meet its growing needs. If the light in the brooding house is poor, a 25 watts per 15 m2 can also be installed. Light bulb to supplement the light. VIII. Density According to the practice of brooding for many years, 25 to 30 feathers per square meter were raised in one week old goslings, 20 to 25 feathers per square meter for goslings within two weeks of age, and goslings per square in three weeks old. Rice breeds 15 birds; within one month old goslings feed 7 to 10 feathers per square meter. Nine, grazing goslings after a week of age, you can go to the water. When grazing, choose a sunny day with no wind and high temperatures, and let the geese eat green grass in the ponds near the farm or in the fields. Do not grazing where pesticides or other toxic substances are sprayed to prevent gosling poisoning. And infected with the disease. After the goslings are nomadic in the water, the goslings can be sent back to the brooding house after shaking down the wet water of the fluff, combing the fluff, and keeping the goose body dry and clean. China Agricultural Network Editor

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