Zhongshan Mountain Duck

Zhongshan Hushao is a dual-purpose egg and meat type and is listed as one of Guangdong's excellent local poultry species. Zhongshan Duck is produced in Zhongshan County, Guangdong Province. The Pearl River Delta is also distributed.

First, the appearance of characteristics: Zhongshan Ma duck, moderate size, male duck head, a little bigger, body deep, green head feathers, neck, back feathers dark brown color, a white collar below the neck. Chest feather light brown, belly gray gray linen, mirror feather emerald green. The female plumage is mainly brown and has a white collar under the neck. Orange yellow, iridescent brown.

Second, the production performance: adult duck weight: male 1690 grams, 1700 grams of mother. The slaughter rate at the age of 63 days was half-netting, 84.4% of the male, 84.5% of the mother, and the entire net was 75.7% of the male and 75.7% of the mother. The date of production is 130 to 140 days, with an annual production of 180 to 220 eggs, an egg weight of 70 grams and a white shell.