Greenhouse vegetable winter irrigation

Irrigation of vegetables in greenhouses in winter should be deployed on sunny days. It is best to have several sunny days after irrigation. One day should be selected in the morning. This is not only the difference between the water temperature and the ground temperature is small, the ground temperature is easy to recover, but also there is sufficient time for dehumidification. Usually should not be selected at noon, so that watering at high temperatures affects the physiological function of the root system. It is also not advisable to pour water at dusk and wind and snow days, so as to avoid causing excessive wetness in the shed and causing serious vegetable diseases.

When the greenhouse vegetable moisture is seriously insufficient, the plants are wilting and the leaves are scorched; when the water is too much, the soil oxygen deficiency causes the roots to suffocate, and the stems and leaves of the ground yellow and even die. In the winter greenhouse, the irrigation water temperature is low, the air volume is small, and the water consumption is low. At this time, after the watering, the humidity changes greatly, and the duration is long, therefore, it requires a small amount of water for irrigation. When the temperature in the shed is relatively low, the amount of watering should be small, the interval time should be long, and flooding should not be flooded to prevent the vegetables from picking up roots due to low temperature and high humidity.

Winter greenhouse irrigation is suitable for direct irrigation with underground well water. If cold surface water is used for irrigation, the water temperature should not be lower than 2°C-3°C. Usually, the irrigation water temperature is as close as possible to the ground temperature at that time.

The irrigation of greenhouse vegetables should be selected for micro-irrigation, especially in winter, because the micro-irrigation of greenhouses has an obvious effect on the improvement of crop growth environment, and has an active role in the balance and harmony of water, fertilizer, gas and heat needed for crop growth. It is the use of micro-irrigation in the middle and early stages, which is conducive to promoting root control, reducing air humidity in the shed, and reducing the occurrence of pests and diseases. Micro-irrigation can also effectively control the amount of water, reduce the leakage of water in the deep layer and the loss of fertilizer, improve the performance of soil structure, increase crop growth and improve vegetable quality.

On the day of irrigation, in order to recover the ground temperature as soon as possible, it is usually necessary to block the greenhouses so that they can rapidly increase the temperature and promote the temperature with the temperature. After the ground temperature is promoted, the plants that like the monotony of the air will release the air in a timely manner to allow the temperature to drop to a suitable area. Seedling watering for warming and security, more emphasis on cultivator. When the seedling grows up, it is usually no longer cultivator to prevent root damage.

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