Garden Pomegranate Planting Technology

Pomegranate leaves are green, red, and colorful, and flowering takes a long time. Fruits mature in autumn and can be harvested during the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day. It is a fruit tree with both ornamental and fruit use. Garden cultivation can beautify the environment and have higher economic benefits. The cultivation techniques are as follows.

First, the courtyard choice. Pomegranate is hi light for fear of eucalyptus species, the courtyard should be full of light, high ground, loose soil, well-drained, there should not be high light shielding objects around.

Second, planting technology. Planting is carried out after falling leaves in the late fall and winter. Variety can choose local red pomegranate, fruit is small but sweet. Also available are northern fruit-shaped varieties such as Dahongpao. Pomegranate cross-pollination has a high seed setting rate, and 2-3 varieties can be selected when the number of plants is large. Before the planting, dig a drainage ditch in the courtyard. Then, according to the spacing of 45 meters, dig a planting hole with a depth of 80 cm and a width of 80 cm. Apply 5 kg of organic fertilizer inside the hole. Mix with the excavated topsoil and fill in the bottom of the hole. Add a layer of soil to stretch the seedling roots in the hole. Fill the soil so that the roots of the seedlings are exposed on the surface of the soil, lightly soil the soil and pour the water once.

Third, fertilizer and water management. Fertilization is mainly organic manure. During October-November, excavation of poultry manure etc. is performed at a deep hole. Before explanting, excrement is used to dig the excrement. A nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer is applied during fruit enlargement to facilitate fruit growth and flower bud differentiation. After digging fruit, digging shallow points to apply human urine is beneficial to the storage of nutrients in the tree body. The lack of water during the growth period is detrimental to the growth results. The germination period, growth period, and fruit expansion period are timely watered in the event of drought. During the growing period of continuous rain, we must clean up the ditch, timely drainage, reduce soil moisture.

Fourth, flower and fruit management. Pomegranate flowers have bell-shaped and barrel-shaped two flower shapes, bell-shaped flowers can not be strong, barrel-shaped flowers can be strong. From May to July, pomegranate can be used to open the flowers of San Francisco, with the largest number of flowers in the head and the smallest in the three. In order to ensure that the head buds have large knots and fruit set, they should adopt: 1. Artificial pollination. Combines the bell-shaped flowers that are to be placed on the flowers to remove the pollen, remove the pollen, and spread it on a glossy paper in the room. Frequently turn to dry the anthers. After pollen is sprinkled for 30-50 hours, the pollen is separated from the pollen and the pollen is placed on the pollen. Reserve in cool, dry, dark places. When the head buds of flower buds were initially opened, 10 grams of pollen, 5 kilograms of water, 0.25 kilograms of granulated sugar, and 5 grams of boric acid were used as an aqueous solution to spray pollinate more parts of the crown-shaped barrel. 2. Apply growth regulators. Spray 40-80 mg/kg gibberellin once during the full bloom of one barrel and two barrels of flowers to increase fruit setting. 3, thinning and thinning fruit. When buds are removed, the bell-shaped flowers are eliminated. It is sufficient to set up the fruit and the three-barreled barrel-shaped flowers should be completely removed except for a few to be enjoyed.

Fifth, plastic trim. Using a natural single-dry shape, dry height of about 60 cm, about 3 meters high, the main branch 3-5, the main branch angle of about 60, each main branch with two lateral branches, the branch sticks on the results of the Zhizu group.

1, winter pruning. The saplings are growing vigorously, and the main branches of the main skeleton should be cultured, lightly sheared and long-distanced, and the secondary branches should be used for early shaping and early results. During the fruit period, it is necessary to stabilize the tree vigor and update the results. The pomegranate has a strong branching force and is easy to close. Wangshu needs more cuts and less cuts, and weak trees have short cuts.

2, summer trim. The pomegranate germinates 2-3 times in one year, which influences the ventilation and light transmission, wipes the buds and branches during the growth period, makes the tree airy and light-transmitting, and strengthens the branch to cultivate the fruit branches. The long branches need to be removed.

Sixth, pest control

1, rotten fruit disease. The damage to the fruit in June caused the entire fruit to rot and the high temperatures in the rainy season became severe. Spray 1:1:160 times Bordeaux mixture or 300 times 25% carbendazim solution during the growing season.

2, cotton jacket. Severe damage affects photosynthesis, serious fruit drop, and low fruit setting rate. The budding phase sprayed Baume 3 lime sulfur mixture to kill overwintering eggs and newly hatched larvae. During the growth period, it was found to be hazardous to 3000 times that of pyrethroid pesticides.

3, moth harm mainly, 2 generations occurred in 1 year, damage the leaves in summer and autumn, affecting photosynthesis. Winter pruning removes the winter thorns of yellow stab moths and buries them deeply. In summer and autumn, newly hatched larvae harm the leaves and take them away. In the summer and autumn, the newly hatched commensal insects damage the leaves and the leaves are concentrated and eliminated. The young larvae spray 1000 times 90% trichlorfon. Liquid control.

4, scale insects. The main is Lagerstroemia lucidum and turtle wax. Harmful when sucking sap on branches, causing debilitating tree vigor. Do not remove scale insects by artificial bristle brushes during dormancy. In the budding stage, the overwintering parasites were killed by spraying stems with Baume 3 lime sulfur mixture. The nymphal incubation period can be controlled by 1000-fold 50% dichlorvos solution or 3,000-fold enemy kill liquid spray.

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