Sows High Yield Multiple Technology

1. Strengthen feeding and management. During the empty period, mid-pregnancy and late lactation period, the sow is fed more raw material and appropriately fed with green material. In the early, late and early stages of pregnancy, sufficient protein, minerals, and vitamin-rich concentrates and green and succulent feeds are provided. To provide a relatively stable living environment for sows and reduce external stimuli such as crowding, driving and fighting as much as possible.

2, a reasonable breeding season. It is best to choose the breeding season from April to May, and to breed again from September to October, and repeat the cycle so that the sows can breed in the spring and autumn seasons to avoid the cold and hot winter and summer environment.

3, timely breeding. Should follow the principle of "early with early, small with late, not old with small". Under normal circumstances, 19-30 hours after the estrus of the sow, the swollen vulva of the sow just began to subside, and there is filiform mucus outflow. To start breeding at 7 to 8 months of age and weighing more than 100kg. Must be used double match (that is, the first match occurs when waiting for the first time, 12 hours and then matching times), which can significantly increase the conception rate and the number of litters.

4, take the fetal measures. Sows are susceptible to miscarriage after 9-13 days of mating and 21 days before delivery. Special measures should be taken to protect fetuses and try to supply protein, minerals, vitamins, etc., rich in concentrates and succulent green feed. Do not feed frozen, rotten, or rotten meat. feed. Pregnant sows try to avoid mechanical irritations such as crowding, biting, slipping, whipping, scaring and so on. Farm breeding should be detailed records to avoid inbreeding. The prevention and treatment of epidemic diseases, especially the encephalitis B, influenza, and brucellosis, must be carried out in the farms and timely treatment should be found. Pregnant women with abortions should immediately take progesterone 15 to 25 mg and take sedation orally to stabilize the fetus.

5, do a good job in childbirth. 5 to 10 days before birth, the production circle is swept clean and sprayed with 10% to 20% of fresh lime water to disinfect the sow's abdominal udder and vulva with 2% to 5% of Lysol before delivery. After the sow has given birth, the mucus in the nose of the piglet is promptly removed and the fetal membrane is torn off. For parachute piglets, first-aid can be performed by tapping the chest, lifting the hind legs, and irritating the alcohol. For the difficult-to-produce sows to do a good job midwifery, so that the sows will have a smooth delivery. In addition, insulation is especially important for newborn piglets. When the piglets are born, the temperature of the tillers must be maintained at 26 to 32°C and for a week to weaning at 26 to 28°C.

6, piglets early weaning. Pay attention to iron supplementation, feed, warmth, and cooling and anti-stress of piglets. 22 to 40 days old piglet weaning. In general, sows are given aphrodisiacs 2 to 5 days after weaning. After the sow has estrus, it is necessary to immediately perform breeding during the lactation period in order to increase the number of fetuses per year.

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