Yak plasticity needs great care

The plasticity of yak is very large. If there is insufficient nutrition and poor feeding at this stage, not only the growth and development will be hindered, but also the reproductive ability will be reduced.

The nutritional needs of calves depend on the growth rate and stage of development. During lactation (1 to 6 months of age) and after weaning (7 to 12 months of age), calf growth has a certain degree of regularity. The main skull and body of the general yak at 2 months old. After 2 months of age, the body length of the yak increases faster. From weaning to sexual maturation, the yak's bones and muscles grow more rapidly, their tissues and organs increase accordingly, sexual function begins to move, body structure and digestive types tend to become fixed, and their skeleton and size develop mainly to width and depth. It is also a critical period for directional cultivation.

The breastfeeding period is dominated by breast milk, but supplementation is required after 15 days of age. Let calves be eaten as soon as possible within one hour of birth. Before the weaning, we must feed high-quality green hay and concentrate feed, and after weaning we must grazing more, and we must supplement the malnourished calves. From the 10th day of age, calves should be rushed to their homes. After 1 month of age, they should exercise 2 times a day for about 1 hour each time.

The cowshed should be kept hygienic and regularly sterilized. Brush the body of the cow daily to keep the body clean and allow the yak to keep the habit of being accessible to adults. After weaning, the male and female pupa are fed separately. The male fleas, regardless of their service or meat use, should be castrated at 8 to 10 months of age for development and feeding.

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