Protective dust application technology

Dust application technology is an advanced application technology promoted in protected areas in recent years. The so-called dust application technology is to make the ultra-pesticide pesticide particles form dust in the shed through powder spraying method. Due to the drift of the powder particles, it spreads uniformly on the vegetable plant, and multi-directionally spreads to achieve the purpose of preventing and controlling pests and diseases. The operating technology uses a type 5 or type 10 duster to adjust the amount of powder to be controlled at 150-200 grams per minute. The dust is loaded into the duster's medicine bin at a standard dosage of various dust agents. It should be noted that before the spraying, close the tuyere's tuyere and close the one end door. When applying pesticides in greenhouses, the pesticide application personnel stand on the aisle in the middle of the greenhouse or on the north side walkway of the greenhouse, and spray from the inside end of the greenhouse to the outside. When the powder is sprayed, the speed of the duster should be 36-52 revolutions per minute, so that the nozzle of the powder sprayer can generate sufficient wind force so as to fully disperse the powder. The applicator can swing the spray tube up and down according to the height of the plant until it is retreated to the other door and the door is closed. If there is powder left in the medicine box, it can be sprayed in the vents in the greenhouse or greenhouse. When applying pesticides to small arches, the applicators can first lift several sheds on the outside of the shed, then push the dusting pipe in and swing the powder spray pipe to spray it. The use of 5% chlorothalonil dust for the control of various vegetables downy mildew, anthrax, early blight, late blight, etc., the appropriate application rate per mu is one kilogram. Wan Wei Ling 5 (0.5% Tajirin dust) is used to control botrytis, leaf mold and anthracnose in various vegetables. The appropriate application rate per mu is one kilogram. 5% downy mildew dust is used to control downy mildew, damping off and cucumber diseases, and tomato late blight of various vegetables. The appropriate application amount per mu is one kilogram. 5% of stubble dust is used to control vegetable aphids and whitefly, and the appropriate application rate per acre is one kilogram. Precautions must be applied with a duster. Do not shake off medication with a bag or other material. Dust preparations must be used. Wettable powders should not be used. Dusters and dust must be kept dry. Sunny days can be applied in the early evening or in the early morning, but rainy days can be used at any time. After application, the shed should be closed for 1 to 2 hours. If spraying is required after spraying, it should be sprayed after 3 days.

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Heat Gun

heat gun, hot air gun