The best top-dressing period for various crops

A variety of crops should be fertilized under the principle of balanced fertilization; crops have the best top-dressing period, and the top-dressing effect is the best; top-dressing is an important part of fertilization schemes, and basal fertilizers cannot be ignored.

The best dressing period for rice: The absorption of nitrogen fertilizer by rice began to increase gradually after turning green, and reached the highest peak of fertilizer absorption at the peak of tillering. In order to promote the early emergence of rice, early delivery, early application and re-appropriate sub-fertilizer. Usually after transplanting 7-10 days, top dressing fertilizer urea 10 kg per mu, heading and then topdressing 15-20 kg of urea.

Gaochao best dressing period: In order to meet the needs of sorghum from the jointing to the heading period, it is necessary to top-dress the joints for the first time during the jointing stage, and apply 8 to 12 kilograms of urea per acre; Topdressing 10 kg of urea.

The best dressing period for peanuts: The critical period of nutrients for peanuts is in the early stage of reproduction. About 15 days after the emergence of peanuts, flower buds begin to differentiate and nodule formation begins. When there are two pairs of lateral branches in the plant, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in a timely manner, and topdressing 5 to 10 kg of urea per acre. Peanuts combined with earth after flowering, spraying multi-element micro-fertilizer, will help reduce the empty fruit rate and increase peanut production.

Soybean best dressing period: Soybeans are more nitrogen-needed crops, but it can be solved by rhizobium nitrogen fixation. However, it is also necessary to top-dress during the growth period, usually applying nitrogen fertilizer once at the initial flowering stage of soybeans, which can reduce the rate of falling flowers and plants, and can prolong the life span of the plants, increase the grain weight, and increase the yield. In general, 8 to 12 kg of urea can be topdressed per mu. In the period of soybean pods, one extra-root fertilizer can be applied, that is, multi-element fertilizer applied on the leaves, and the effect of increasing production is more obvious.

The best dressing period for sugar beets: Beets, after setting seedlings, quickly turn into a flourishing growth stage. Can be used in the early period of beet growth, topdressing 10 kg of urea per acre.

The best fertilizer period for potatoes: generally can be topdressed before the flowering stage of potatoes. Early-maturing varieties are suitable for top-dressing at the seedling stage, middle and late-maturing varieties are better chased before budding, and topdressing 10 kg of urea per mu and potassium sulfate 5~ 10 kg can not only increase production but also improve its quality.

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