Cultivation Technique of Artemisia halodendron in Tieling Liaoning

Artemisia halodendron generally uses 4-5 kg ​​per acre.

The cultivation of small leaf cultivars is mainly used in protected cultivation, and the cold resistance of leaflet varieties is strong, and the growth period is 40-50 days.

Made of a flat rice bowl with a width of 1 meter. After the water was poured, the dried seeds of garland chrysanthemum were broadcast immediately after seeping. Seed bed cover soil 1 cm, then covered with mulch.

The optimal growth temperature of Artemisia selengensis is 18-20 °C.

After emergence, the mulching film was completely removed, and the leaves were kept dry to see wet 1-2 true leaf stage, and the seedlings were removed and weeds were removed, keeping the seedling spacing at about 4 cm.

Pay attention to the observation of the humidity in the shelter so as to avoid excessive moisture and cause diseases of the high-alfalfa crops in the shelter.

During the growth of Artemisia halodendron, with the water to recover 1-2 times available nitrogen fertilizer, the plant up to 20 centimeters or so, began to harvest, not too late, so as not to affect the quality.

After the first knife is cut, water and top dressing are applied to promote lateral branches and harvested after 20-30 days. The amount of topdressing fertilizer per acre is 10 kg of urea.

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