Carnation (Carnation) breeding seedlings

Alias ​​carnations, carnations and carnations belong to the family Dianthus and Dianthus. Perennial herbaceous flowers, plant height 60-90 cm, stems erect, much branched. The whole plant was white and grayish green. The stems are hard and brittle and the nodes are swollen. Leaves linear-lanceolate, entire, opposite. The flowers are solitary or 2-3 clusters are born on the branches. The flowers are red, pink, yellow, white, dark red, etc., as well as agate and other complex colors and border color, and aromatic.

Carnations originated in Southern Europe, on the north coast of the Mediterranean, and from France to Greece, are widely cultivated around the world today.

Carnation flowers are large in beauty, attractive in color, scented and varied in variety, and have a long flowering period. They are popular among people. They are one of the most important cut flowers in the world today; they are also one of the most widely used flower materials in ceremonial flowers. Flowers, bouquets, flowers blue, bouquets, corsages and garlands and other elegant gifts are inseparable from it; it can also be cultivated in open field, flower beds are arranged; also can be potted for indoor decoration.

1. The establishment of female nursery and scion nursery

For a long time, the vast majority of flower farmers rely on self-breeding and self-cultivation, and have consistently followed the method of breeding and breeding from selected lateral buds on the mother plants of the flowering field. The seedlings are repeatedly used for many generations and the quality of the seedlings is reduced. The quality of their seedlings will directly affect the growth potential of field plants after planting and the future flower yield and quality. Therefore, a nursery and a scion nursery should be established at the time of cultivation. The techniques are as follows:

(1) Seedbed preparation. Carnation is a plant of fibrous roots, requiring loose, air-permeable, water-retaining, and fertile soil conditions to grow; seedbed soil is preferably peat or any other medium that is dominated by peat moss; sufficient fertilisers, including nitrogen, are applied to the medium. Phosphorus, Potassium, and some trace elements; pouring large EuE for three days before planting

The amount of water shall be sufficient to moisten the soil; the thickness of the medium shall be at least 20 cm to ensure that the mother of carnation has sufficient roots for the soil to absorb nutrients and normal growth and development; seedlings or sorghum shall be established according to the specifications of the greenhouse or greenhouse; the seedbed height shall be 80 ~100 cm is suitable, the seedbed depth is 25 to 30 cm, and not less than 20 cm;

(2) Introduce mother. According to the requirements of the market and the ecological environment of the local cultivation, select varieties, introduce high-quality, excellent quality, strong growth, strong disease resistance, good resistance and good varieties, according to the characteristics of each species carefully nurture; then take strong cuttings, cuttings Rooted with high-quality seedlings, building a nursery, production of commodity seedlings;

(3) Female nursery cultivation.

1 Avoid rain. In order to ensure the quality of seedlings, it is a very good measure to adopt plastic greenhouses for rain-fence cultivation of carnations and nursery nursery.

2 density. The planting density and cutting yield have a great relationship; choosing a reasonable planting density is not only conducive to plant ventilation and light transmission, but also conducive to the formation of a high-yield population structure, and increase the effective branching; generally about 50 per square meter density; Dianthus should be cultivated to grasp the principle of shallow planting as far as possible; after planting, pour well, and pour roots to dip water, so that the root system and the soil full contact; if planted too deep prone to stalk rot.

3 field management. The root minister produced a large number of white roots, indicating that the female seedlings had survived, and at this time, the water should be slowly controlled to ensure that the root system was developed; every 7 to 10 days, a fertilizer was applied and a pesticide and fungicides were sprayed; When it grows to 7 leaves and 1 heart, it can start topping. According to the different branching ability, leaves 5~7 pairs of leaves, so that it can be used to prepare lateral shoots for harvesting. Normally, it is not used for seedlings. It can be used as a tissue culture material for rejuvenation and retention. When the lateral branch grows to 7 leaves and 1 heart, the ear can be harvested. Generally, 3 to 4 pairs of leaves are kept on the female parent. Each 25 to 30 cuttings of the cuttings are fixed with a rubber band and placed in a carton or plastic box. ~ 2 °C cold storage reserve;

2. Cutting

Carnations from December to February of the following year are large breeding periods. The rooting time takes about 30 days; from March to April, it is 25 days, and from May to July it is about 20 days.

(1) Slotting preparation. In the seedbed, 20 cm thick perlite plus ash was used as a cutting matrix and was leveled with a wooden board; in winter, the rooting temperature was met and a resistance wire was placed inside the plug; a 10 cm thick medium was placed on the heating wire and after leveling Cut out;

(2) Spike. Selecting strong cuttings in the scion plot, every 25 to 30 branches are tied well, and the cuttings stored in the cold storage can also be taken out for cutting.

(3) hormone treatment. Generally 500 mg / kg rooting powder can be used to treat the roots better;

(4) Cutting density. About 800 per square meter, the spacing between the rows is 2 cm and 6 cm;

(5) Bed pipe. After the cuttings must be poured first permeable, generally with a large amount of stagnant water below the seedbed plate as the standard; after 1 to 2 weeks to ensure that the foliar droplets basically, gradually control the water from the second or third week, from the third Since the beginning of the week, only one or two shots of water have been sprayed each day, and the water sprayed has been used to maintain the degree of evaporation to promote root development.

3. Lifting

According to the seedling rooting situation in time to raise the seedlings, usually when the carnation grows to 2 cm long can be carried out; spraying a fungicide two days before the seedlings, a primary potassium dihydrogen phosphate; lifting must be removed when some of the seedlings are not robust , Each 100 bags of a bag, each bag indicate the variety, quantity, grade, origin and so on.

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