Cultivation Techniques of Edible New Health Special Vegetable Jade Ginseng

Jade, also known as soil ginseng, Yulan dishes. It is a new special vegetable for high nutrition and health care that has been newly developed by vegetable experts in China in recent years. After determination, jadeite contains a large number of vitamins and other nutrients as well as iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, selenium and other trace elements. Jasam is full of body treasure, leaves, stems can be fried, soup, but also can be used as a side dish. With Qingrejiedu, Bu Zhong Yi Qi, smooth milk, Sheng Jin quenched thirst and other functions, Qi deficiency, spleen deficiency diarrhea, dryness cough and neurasthenia have a good effect. Its roots resemble ginseng and can be dried in soups or soaked in wine. It has nourishing and strong functions. Jasperite has a wide range of adaptability and easy to manage. The temperature can be cultivated all year round at 5°C, and plant height is generally around 50 cm. In the condition of sufficient water and fertilizer, properly managed, 667 square meters can produce 3000-4000 kg of fresh vegetables. High-yielding fields can reach 6000 kg. If protected cultivation is adopted, the yield will be higher. Now we will introduce the cultivation techniques. 1. Seedling method 1 sowing. Choose a land that is convenient for irrigation and drainage as a seedbed, apply sufficient basal fertilizer, break up the soil, and sow the seeds with fine soil so that they do not need to cover the soil (because the seeds are small), and then cover the shade net (or use rice, Covered with wheat straw) Sprinkler irrigation with a sprayer to keep the surface soil moisture, about 10 days emergence. Note: Jade seeds are generally not broadcast live in Daejeon. Due to the small seeds, live seeding will reduce the emergence rate, and the seedling stage grows slowly, which brings a lot of inconvenience to the previous management. 2 cuttings nursery. Jasmine stems are easy to root, strong germination, can be cut during the entire growth period. The stalks were cut into 7 cm cuttings and inserted into the sandy loam soil at a distance of about 3.5 cm. The spacing was 8 to 10 cm. The seedbeds were kept moist, sunny and shaded, and flooded on rainy days. The rooting took place in about 8 days and they could be transplanted in about 20 days. 2. Transplanting and colonization Choose convenient and fertile plots for irrigation and drainage, apply enough basic fertilizer, make hoe, and make about 1.3 meters in width. Plant spacing is 20 centimeters and 24 centimeters. About 9000 plants can be planted at 667 square meters. After planting, it is irrigated with water. In summer, seedlings are used to shade the sun. 3. Field management, in order to obtain high yields, adequate water and fertilizer conditions should be ensured, drought and watering should be carried out, and the rainy season must be protected against flooding. Pay attention to weeding and cultivating loose soil in summer rainy season. Generally one-half top-dressing one time, can be applied compound fertilizer (or urea) 10 kg per 667 square meters, potash 5 kg. In the peak season of jade ginseng growth, it is necessary to regularly spray low toxicity pesticides such as chlorothalonil and carbendazim to prevent diseases; the insects are mainly tigers and cabbage caterpillars; red spiders should be controlled with low-toxicity pesticides, insecticides, and insecticides. Single will produce phytotoxicity. 4. About 40 days after harvesting and planting, the plant height begins to be harvested at the time of 20 cm and the upper tender stems and leaves are cut, leaving 3-4 leaves at the base to grow new stems and leaves in time. Harvested about 20 days. Jade ginseng is easy to twitch, blossom and produce seeds. If it is used only for vegetables, all inflorescences should be removed when harvesting to increase the yield of fresh vegetables. If you want to breed, you should stop harvesting stems and leaves from the end of August to the beginning of September, let them twitch and blossom, wait until the seeds mature (black) and take off the threshing, and then you can do it after drying. Jade roots can also be used to breed, below 0 °C jade ginseng natural overwintering difficult, and therefore, covered with plastic film to maintain the ground temperature before the icing (also available to cover the winter wheat straw). In addition, the entire root can be dug out and stored in a ground kiln, and it can be planted in moist sandy loam for cultivation in the spring of the next year. If cultivated using protected land, it can be produced all year round. Jade cultivation, once introduced, has benefited for many years.

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Ningxia Ningyang Halal Food Co., Ltd. ,