How to feed cows in the spring

Proper exercise can promote blood circulation and generate heat, which not only helps digestion, but also enhances physical fitness and resistance to cold and disease. Insufficient exercise will increase the proportion of dystocia and retention of placenta in dairy cows. The fetus is prone to stunting and malposition. Therefore, in the cold climate, it is not appropriate to grazing in the season, can be enhanced by driving. Keep exercising for more than 40 minutes every morning and afternoon. In sunny weather, let the cows exercise for at least 2 hours each day, then bring them to the sun where the leeward sun shines. Scientific milking Scrub breasts: Wash with warm solution of organic chlorine solution (200-300 mg/kg). Heated breasts: hot water with a temperature of about 50 °C to promote the rapid expansion of breast blood vessels, increase blood flow to the breasts, strengthen the synthesis of milk fat, and can reflect the production of prolactin to stimulate breast multi-row milk. Massage the breasts: Gestures should be correct and regular, according to the nipple - the bottom of the breast - the left and right breast area - mammary massage in order, first heavy and then light, from front to back, from left to right, to promote breast development, increase milk production . The used towels and milk utensils must be disinfected and cleaned before and after use, and are regularly disinfected with 2% to 3% NaOH solution. Pay attention to the health of cattle: cows clean and natural, often brushing cows, both to remove body surface dirt, dust and feces, keep the fur clean, but also promote blood circulation, enhance skin resistance and increase milk production. At the same time, by means of brushing, it is also possible to prevent the growth of ectoparasites and to develop a docile character of the cows. Brushing should be performed in the order: head and neck - forequarters - middle to middle - hindquarters - limbs - hoofs. The polluted part should be washed and wiped with lukewarm water, and the area to be washed should be small. Do not wash the bovine body in a cold and windy environment to prevent colds. Practice has shown that good brushing can increase milk production by 8% to 10%. Environment: Dairy cows prefer a dry and clean environment, love to eat fresh feed, and should be added less frequently when feeding. After the cow is lowered, the remaining forage in the feed tank should be removed and the floor cleaned. Rinse the sink regularly to keep the water clean. Timely removal of feces, and often sprinkle some lime powder or ash in the house, can reduce the humidity within the house, but also disinfection and disease prevention, help to increase milk production. The excrement in the sports ground should also be promptly cleaned up, kept flat, dry, clean, and prevent water accumulation. The cows are quiet, and the strong noise will cause stress reaction to the cows, damage the regular activities of the cows, decrease milk production, or produce low acidity alcohol positive milk. Therefore, we must pay attention to keep the cowshed quiet and decline onlookers. The gentle concerts make the cows comfortable and conducive to the performance of lactation. Deworming: Cows in winter and spring are vulnerable to parasites such as cockroaches and burdock. At the same time, cows eat green feed for summer and autumn, and they are also prone to various types of intestinal parasites. Therefore, in the winter and spring seasons, the cows should be inspected to remove the parasites. The temperature of the cowhouse in early spring should be around 10°C, which is beneficial to lactation and improve feed utilization. Pay attention to the holes in the walls surrounding the cowshed, install window glass, hang curtains and curtains, and cover the grass with thick grass in the circle to prevent the intrusion of cold currents and the formation of thieves and improve the temperature. The cement floor in the house should be provided with more cushions and be changed ground, which can not only reduce the conductive heat dissipation when the body touches the cattle, but also keep warm, absorb moisture and absorb harmful gases. Spring is a season in which respiratory diseases occur frequently. If the cowhouse is poorly ventilated, it is too dark, humid and cold and can easily cause diseases such as respiratory tract, rheumatoid arthritis, and phlegm. Pay attention to keep the ventilation in the barn well, the barn humidity should not be too large, the relative humidity should not exceed 60%, otherwise it will cause cows to be stimulated by the outside world, resulting in a decline in milk production, in serious cases will cause the cow to suffer from some fungal Illness. While controlling the temperature and humidity in the stable, keep some hay on the cow's bed to make it comfortable at night. Increased lighting allows you to go outdoors when the weather is good, increase lighting, and also use white fluorescent lighting to increase artificial lighting. It can not only increase the temperature of the cowhouse, but also increase the secretion of prolactin from dairy cows and increase milk production. It is generally based on 16 hours / day of light, about 3 to 5 weeks can be effective, can make Nissan milk increased by 6% to 10%. Feeding of properly fed dairy cows is affected by seasonal and climate changes. Therefore, feeding and management should be adjusted with the changes of the season, especially in the spring to adopt transitional feeding. The matching of the diet and the change of the feeding technology must be gradually carried out to avoid sudden changes. The transitional concentration of feed in spring is "thick-medium-thin" and the transition temperature of feed is "heat-temperature-cool". Note that in the organic combination of lactation and seasonal feeding, changes in energy, crude fiber and dry matter, and temperature must change with the seasons. In general, it is the energy to be low in summer and high in winter; crude fiber and dry matter should be high in winter and spring and low in summer; the temperature should be hot in winter, cool in summer and warm in spring and autumn. Based on this, we will manage the transition of seasons to maximize the potential of dairy cows. As long as the breeding and management are conducted according to the laws of science, the impact of unfavorable factors caused by the climate can be minimized and better results can be obtained.

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