Application of TMR Feeding Technology in Dairy Production

The production mode of China's dairy industry is still dominated by fleas and free-range breeding, and the rearing and management technology is relatively backward, which seriously restricts the development of China's dairy industry. The TMR rearing technology began in the 1950s. It has been widely adopted in dairy cow production in developed countries and has achieved ideal results. However, TMR technology is still in the stage of promotion in China.

TMR feeding technology

The TMR (Totalmixedration) feeding technology for dairy cows is based on the nutritional needs of different growth stages and lactation stages, and the shortened roughage, concentrate feed, and various additives are blended according to the nutritional formula and blender science. A nutritionally balanced diet for dairy cows to eat freely. TMR feeding technology is suitable for large-scale, intensive dairy farms, especially for stray-feeding herds.

The advantages of TMR feeding methods

Save Labor, Simplify Feeding Procedures TMR feeding facilitates the realization of mechanization, scale, and intensification of feeding, adapts to the production of dairy cows with stray feeding methods, saves labor, improves labor efficiency, makes full use of local feed resources, and reduces feed costs. TMR diets also eliminate the negative effects of poor palatability but cost-effective industrial by-products or additives in feed. According to statistics, the TMR feeding method can reduce the feeding cost by 5%-7%. A feeding worker can feed about 100 heads, which greatly saves the labor force.

It is easy to control the nutritional level of the diet and improve the dry matter intake TMR technology can fully complement the rough roughage and can complement each other to improve feed palatability and avoid nutrient imbalance caused by picky eaters.

The TMR is completely mixed according to the formula, which ensures the balance of the feed and reduces the accidental trace element, vitamin deficiency or poisoning.

According to statistics, the feed utilization rate of the TMR raising method is 4% higher than that of the traditional feeding method.

Feeding management is more targeted

TMR technology adjusts the formula according to the nutritional needs of different herds. It helps dairy cows to reach the standard body condition and give full play to the genetic potential and fertility of dairy cows. According to reports, the dairy cows fed with TMR have a stable lactation curve, and the duration of the lactation peak is long and slow. This ensures that the cow's rumen function is normal, the milk production rate can be increased by 5%-15%, and the milk fat rate can be increased by 0.1%-0.2%.

Maintain relatively stable rumen environment, enhance rumen function, reduce incidence of cow feed intake

TMR diet can maintain the stability of rumen pH, promote the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, increase microbial activity and protein synthesis rate. use

The conversion rate of feed nutrients after TMR is increased, and the number of feedings of cows is increased, which can effectively prevent nutrient metabolic disorders and reduce the occurrence of nutritional metabolic diseases. According to statistics, the use of TMR feeding can reduce the incidence of cows 20%.

Disadvantages of TMR feeding methods

The cost is high. The equipment must be professionally and accurately applied to large and medium scale dairy farms. At the same time, equipment must be equipped with thorough stirring and professional equipment for weighing and distribution. The investment in operation, maintenance, and maintenance costs must be high.

The testing requirements are high to regularly check dietary nutrients and track diet formulas. During the storage of raw materials, changes in nutrient composition, especially dry matter (moisture), should be constantly monitored and analyzed.

Due to the high level of management technology in each herd, due to different yields, formulas are different and specific agitation is required. Application of TMR breeding methods requires that the dairy farm has certain management and technical level. If a certain part of the operation process is negligence and mistakes, even a very good formula may bring about a series of problems in milk production and health of dairy cows.

Key points for using TMR feeding technology

Reasonable grouping of dairy cows with rational grouping of cows is the premise and basis for the adoption of TMR feeding technology. Pastures must be grouped according to actual conditions. The 150 cows can be divided into two groups, dry and lactating herds; 150-300 cows can be divided into three groups, dry milk, high-yield, low-yielding herds; 300-500 cows can be divided into four Group, dry milk, high-yield, middle-yielding, low-yielding herd; more than 500 cows can be divided into early, middle and late stages according to the lactation stage, pre- and post-drying cows, conditional to the first fetus and the production cow Separately reared.

Reserve cattle groups should be grouped in accordance with the basic and consistent requirements of individual groups. With the increase of the age of reserve cattle, the number of groups will increase.

When TMR group changes are to be made, the group should be transferred at the same time as much as possible, and the appetite of dairy cows will fluctuate during the transit time. In the evening, the group can reduce the stress response. Grouping can not be too frequent and it is easy to cause stress.

Dry matter intake (DMI) forecast The forecast of dry matter intake can be calculated based on the nutritional needs of NRC cows in the United States, or theoretical values ​​can be calculated based on other formulas, combined with different ages, parity, milk production, and lactation of dairy cows. Period, milk fat percentage, milk protein rate, body weight. For dairy cows that are in the early stages of lactation, regardless of the level of yield, the main objective is to increase dry matter intake. It is very important to correctly predict the DMI of dairy cows for nutrient supply, reasonably designing rations, and increasing production efficiency. The following formula helps predict lactating Cattle DMI:

Formula One: DMI = 0.025W + 0.1Y (applicable to large-scale dairy farms during late lactation).

In the formula, W is the live weight and Y is the daily milk yield.

Formula two: DMI=8+M/5+Y/1000 (applicable to large-scale cow farm adult cows).

DMI=6+M/5+Y/1000 (suitable for young cows on large dairy farms).

In the above two formulas, M is the daily milk yield and Y is the annual milk yield.

Detection of nutrient concentrations Regular inspections of feeds to authoritative testing institutions to detect nutrient content of feeds, updating nutrients in feed databases, and assessing dietary nutrient levels are among the important tasks in TMR feeding. If the composition of raw materials changes, the nutrition of the TMR formula will be unbalanced, and it should be noted that the TMR dry matter content should be between 50% and 55%.

TMR diet production dry matter intake is a key factor in maintaining high herd production. TMR's feeding goal is to ensure that cows eat fresh, palatable, balanced diets to get the maximum dry matter intake, so the diet The first requirement of the ratio is to meet the dry matter intake of dairy cows. Different herds of cattle

TMR diets were formulated according to the nutritional needs of dairy cows, adjusted to a reasonable level of energy and protein, and controlled the crude-to-crude ratio, neutral detergent fiber NDF, non-structural carbohydrate NFC, and calcium and phosphorus levels in the required range. Dietary production should be in strict accordance with the formula of the diet and be evenly mixed to ensure that the cow can eat the same diet per head. This is the basis for the success of the TMR feeding method. On the contrary, unevenly mixed diets will have a negative impact. Such as dairy cattle metabolic disease, malnutrition, physical and chemical indicators are unreasonable. The main points of the production process of the TMR diet are as follows: feeding sequence: hay → concentrates → by-products → silage → wet cereals, etc.; basic principles: first wet and dry, first coarse and then coarse, first light and heavy; mixing time: side cast Stir until the last feed is finished, and then stir for 3 minutes to 5 minutes. Moisture control: Keep at 45%-50%, higher than 50%, will limit the dry matter intake of dairy cows; Volume: Maintained at 60%-80%; Equipment: Weighing should be accurate, speed is also very important, is the key to the mixture; Effect evaluation: fine coarse material mixed evenly, loosely separated, fresh no odor, no agglomeration.

Feeding trough management To achieve the maximum dry matter intake of dairy cows, good feed trough management is essential: Feed distribution should be evenly distributed; feeding 4 to 5 times per day per trough, allowing cows to eat as much as possible; keeping cows The time and space for food intake (50 cm-70 cm), the time for each sky tank can not exceed 2 hours -3 hours; timely cleaning of leftovers, the remaining amount is controlled at 3% -5%, to ensure that the rations are fresh.

Benefits of using TMR feeding technology Using TMR feeding technology can increase dry matter intake, nutrient utilization, and labor productivity of dairy cows, reduce the incidence of metabolic diseases and digestive tract diseases in dairy cows, thereby increasing milk production and economic benefits . According to statistics, feed intake increased by 5%, feed utilization increased by 4%, milk production increased by 5%-15%, milk fat percentage increased by 0.1%-0.2%, metabolic disease decreased by 3%-5%, digestive tract The disease is reduced by 20%-30%.

Use TMR Feeding Technology Precautions

To apply in combination with reality. TMR equipment is a large investment, infrastructure must be matched, and do not overestimate the dry matter intake of the herd when feeding the TMR diet (so that there is 5% of the remaining in the trough).

Facilities and personnel supporting the TMR breeding technology must be in place, otherwise it is not conducive to operation.

It is necessary to constantly detect changes in the nutrient composition of feed ingredients and pay attention to changes in the moisture content of various raw materials. At the same time, the dairy cow diet needs a certain amount of NDF (at least in the high-yielding dairy cow diet, containing at least 28%-35% of NDF) to maintain the rumen fermentation and ensure the stability of the cow's health and milk fat rate. The NDF is mainly derived from roughage.

To control the ratio of coarse to coarse, the ratio of coarse grains in the diet should not be too low, and the requirement should not be less than 40% of the total dry matter in the diet.

Observe and diligently record and observe the intake and amount of leftovers of the cows daily; supervise the technicians in the operation process for errors (feeding, issuing, sizing, and stirring are accurate).

When TMR is used to assess costs, it is not only possible to consider feed costs, but also indirect losses caused by feed handling, storage variability, and palatability.


With the acceleration of the scale, intensive and modernized development of China's dairy industry, and the development of domestic high-quality roughage industry, the vigorous promotion and application of TMR breeding technology is an inevitable trend. This will be the only way for China's dairy cows to go scientific.

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