Crocus saffron saffron

Alias: saffron, saffron

Name source:

The saffron was originally introduced from India to Tibet, China. Therefore, there is another name for saffron.


Native to Spain, Greece, France, Netherlands, India and Iran. China's Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan, Beijing, Sichuan, Hubei and Guangxi. Fujian, Shaanxi and other provinces have introduced.

Morphological characteristics:

It is a perennial herb of the genus Iris and saffron. The underground bulb is round or round in shape, with a dry film or a leathery tunic. Plant height 30 cm to 40 cm. Ye Jisheng, 9 to 15 pieces, linear. Large flowers, 1 to 3 flowers, sepals 2, perianth 6. The outer three large, obovate, 3.5 cm to 5 cm long, Xueqing, red purple or white, perianth tube tubular, 4 cm to 6 cm in length. Style slender, three deep-divided, extending beyond the perianth, sagging, trumpet-shaped, dilated, dark red.

Bulbous oblate or subglobose. Leaves basal; long linear, margin slightly recurved. Flowers projected; plate was 6, blue-purple, stamens 3; pistil 1, style 3 deep, extending outside the perianth, pendulous, dark red, stigma tip slightly enlarged horn-shaped; with a rich aroma.

Flowering from mid-October to early November.

Living habits:

The saffron has a mild climate, fresh air, moist and light, and is a short-day plant. Appropriate growth temperature 15 °C, flowering temperature 16 °C to 20 °C. Fear of heat, more cold, avoid continuous production. Potted plants require humus-rich, fertile, well-drained and well-breathed soils with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Avoid heavy soil, long-term wet. Both spring flowers and autumn flowers are autumn bulb flowers. That is, it starts to sprout in the autumn and blooms during the winter and spring seasons. The strong species are strong and they enter the dormancy period in summer. The bulbs have a life span of one year. Similar to tulips, annual bulbs are replaced alternately.


There are 80 species of crocus belonging to the same genus, and about 8 to 10 species are commonly cultivated in the world. They are divided into two types: spring flowers and autumn flowers. Variety of spring flowers, flower buds before the leaves, flowering from February to March. There are yellow flowers, golden flowers, there are many varieties and varieties, produced in southern Europe and Asia Minor. Purple flowers, snow-green or white, often with purple spots, flowering in mid-to late-March, there are many horticultural species, produce mountains in the middle and southern Europe. Caucasian crocuses, with fresh orange on the inside of the tepals, brown halos on the outside, stars, production of the Caucasus and southern Crimea. Autumn flower species, flower buds often smoked after the leaves, flowering from September to October. There are saffron, flower snow blue, red purple or white, flowering from September to October. In the early years since the introduction of the Malaya Mountains in the United Kingdom, cultivation began. Beautiful saffron, this kind of flower is beautiful and beautiful, it is the outstanding person in the autumn flower type. Varieties and varieties are many, beautiful flowers, crocuses, deep purple flowers, blue stripes, style cracks, orange, bright and beautiful. There are varieties of white flowers such as beautiful saffron.


There are blood circulation, nourishing blood, swelling and pain, Jieyu Anshen effect.

Commonly used for atrophic fistula, postpartum blood stasis, wet spot, melancholy depression, convulsions madness embolism.

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