Summer Breeding Technology of Tomatoes in High Temperature Season

The overseason tomato nursery is in the high-temperature season from May to July, which is not conducive to the growth of plants. High temperature, drought, and the harm of aphids are also important conditions for the occurrence of viral diseases and other diseases, accompanied by strong winds and heavy rain. Sudden attack, the nursery process is slightly more difficult than other mouthwashed tomatoes, and there will be problems if they are neglected. Therefore, it is necessary to master the breeding techniques in the hot season. 1. Problems and solutions that are easy to appear in sowing 1.1 There are two reasons that cause soil layering on the soil surface: First, the bed soil is not good; on the other hand, the bottom water is insufficient, the humus content is small, the structure is not loose, and it is easy. Crowding has occurred. Therefore, in the preparation of bed soil, compost and manure fertilizer with high humus content should be mixed into the bed soil. In addition to the composition of the bed soil, the cover soil after sowing needs to be added with a proper amount of fine slag to prevent the formation of soil panel knots. General nutrient soil preparation method: Fill each nursery bed with clean and disease-free garden soil, and mix 40% - 50% of the composted compost or manure, 1 cubic meter of bed soil mixed with superphosphate 1kg, and plant ash 5 - -10kg. In addition, pouring sole water is also one of the measures to prevent earth panel knots. If enough water is provided before sowing, no watering is required after sowing until emergence. On the other hand, if the bottom water is too little, the bed surface will be dry after sowing and the watering will be improper, which will cause bed panel knots. Unless the bed soil is too dry and non-watering, you can use the jug to pour water, avoid flooding before flooding. 1.2 Emergence is not neat: emergence is not neat, one is the emergence of inconsistent time, the early emergence of large seedlings and delayed emergence of a few days. The uncovered seedlings must be timely peeled off the cover, increase the light, reduce the seedbed temperature and humidity, prevent leggy. For unseeded seedlings, higher temperature and humidity must also be maintained to promote seedling emergence. In this way, the management of the seedbed will be overlooked, and later in the same seedbed, the size of the seedlings will be inconsistent and the temperature and humidity management will be very difficult. The other situation is that the distribution of seedlings is uneven throughout the seedbed, and in some places there are too many seedlings, resulting in overcrowding. In some places, there are few seedlings, resulting in wastage of seedbeds. The reasons for inconsistency in seedling emergence time are mainly due to inconsistent seed maturity, low seed germination potential, slow seedling emergence, new seed germination, rapid seedling emergence, weak seed viability, slow germination, or due to seeds. When germination, the temperature, humidity, and air were uneven, and the seeds germinated inconsistently. In addition, the amount of soil cover is also the main reason for inconsistent emergence time. The reason for the uneven density of seedlings in the same seedbed is that the seedbed is uneven and the humidity in each point of the bed is inconsistent; the second is that the seeding technology does not pass, and the seeds are not evenly distributed; the third is the inconsistent environmental conditions in the bed, and the middle temperature of the general seedbed Higher, early emergence, high survival rate, on the contrary, the emergence of seedlings in the surrounding area is relatively late. To overcome the emergence of irregular seedlings, the seeds with high germination rate and strong germination potential can be used according to the above reasons. Bed soil should be leveled, sowing should be uniform, and measures for covering soil and covering should be as consistent as possible. 1.3 Seedling Unearthed from the Seedling Crust: The seedling crust is mainly caused by two reasons: one is that the seed is stored for a long time and the seed shell is too hard; second, the maturity of the seed is not enough, and the vitality is low. When the seedlings are unearthed, they are unable to shell. When seeding, the bottom water is insufficient or the cover soil is too thin. Seeds have not yet emerged. The topsoil has dried, making the seed coats dry and hard, often failing to fall off smoothly. When sowing, the soil is too thin, or the soil is too light, the pressure is too small, and the seedlings are too small. Unearthed with a cap. Measures to prevent the emergence of capped seedlings include the selection of new species of the current year or 1- to 2-year-old species. The cover soil should not be too light or too thin. If the seeds are found to be covered with a thin layer of fine soil in time. 2. Reasons and solutions for the occurrence of leggy seedlings The leggy seedlings are a kind of symptoms that are most likely to occur during the nursery in high temperature season. The characteristics of leggy seedlings are: slim stems, thin pale leaves, soft tissue, and small root systems. The causes of leggy are: excessive temperature in the seedbed, especially when the night temperature is too high, the respiration of the seedlings is enhanced, nutrients are consumed, nitrogen fertilizer is high, moisture is high, humidity is high, and light is insufficient. Measures to prevent leggy growers are mainly to increase light and reduce temperature. When the seedlings are dense, the seedlings and the seedlings are promptly carried out. If there are pigs with seedlings, ventilation should be used to reduce the temperature, control the watering, and reduce the humidity. It can also be sprayed with chlormeculin at a concentration of 2000 μl/l or paclobutrazol at 30 μl/l. After 1 week, the leaves of the seedlings are dark green. Sturdy stems, the effect is ideal. 3. Causes and solutions of flash seedlings, wind-blown seedlings and burning seedlings The tomato seedlings growing process during the summer months from May to July is characterized by high temperature and strong light intensity, especially during sunny days, greenhouses often exceed 35°C, sometimes reaching Above 40°C. Shelf temperature above 40 °C is easy to burn seedlings. Prevention methods: timely increase the ventilation or shade net cooling, once the burning seedlings occur, can be combined with watering to quickly reduce the temperature, increase soil moisture bed seedlings, prevent burning seedlings continue to occur. In addition, as the seedling age increases and the temperature gradually increases, the ventilation volume is gradually increased. If the plastic shed is removed too vigorously, it is easy to “flash seedlings” and “wind slippery seedlings”. 4 Seedling Insect Pests and Prevention From May to June, tomato seedlings were the most damaging of earthworms, followed by small earthworms, golden needles, and roundworms. The earthworms scrambled back and forth on the surface of the soil and caused many tunnels. As a result, the seeds failed to germinate and the seedlings lost their water and died. Preventive measures: Before sowing, it is necessary to use 90% crystal trichlorfon 800 times liquid to mix and fry the bran made of wheat bran before sowing, and then put it into the surface of bed soil to prevent the problem. At the same time, after the emergence of seedlings, it is also necessary to sprinkle poisonous baits on the ground to prevent the underground pests from damaging the seedlings. On the other hand, we should pay close attention to the movement of locusts in the ordinary times. We should put strips of silver-gray plastic film around the seedbeds and refrain from aphids. Once it is found that aphids should be sprayed in time, use 20% of the virus a 500 times + imidacloprid 1000 times spray 2 - 3 times, spraying in addition to the seedbed, weeds or crops around the seedbed also spray. Only in this way can the transmission media be reduced to prevent viral diseases. 5. Diseases at Seedling Stage and Diseases Controlling Tomato at Seedling Stage mainly include blight, damping-off and leaf mold. The prevention and control measures mainly include the following: (1) The bed soil of the seedbed should be selected from the disease-free field soil and be disinfected. 2 seeds before sowing disinfection. 3 Appropriate dilute sowing, and time and seedlings. Strengthen ventilation and reduce seedbed humidity. When the humidity is too high, sprinkle dry fine soil or plant ash to reduce humidity. The entire seedling stage should be properly controlled watering, if the soil is too dry, a small amount of water should be used in the jug, not flooding, if found disease After the strain, strict control of watering. 4Diseases should be promptly removed after the emergence of the diseased plants, and combined with chemical control, can be alternately sprayed with 70% mancozeb 500--600 times liquid or "Fangkang 120" 500 times liquid and anti-fukuning 500--600 times liquid Or chlorothalonil, anti-virus drugs and other control.

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